Experience Harvesting Pepper in My Mother In-Law Garden

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)


The pandemic Covid-19 forcing people to work at home to control the spread of the virus. All elements of the society, both students should be learning in school or the workers a lot of that should be able to work from home. This condition is also felt by some people, this does not mean we are not earning a lot of things that can be done during the live Work from Home or experiencing a Lockdown or social restrictions one of which is a garden in the yard of the house.

Yesterday, I visited my mother in-laws house. Distance of my house to the house of my mother in-laws takes a 35-minute trip by motorcycle. Long before the pandemic Covid-19 happens, the mother in-law is a person who is very fond of gardening, not only did he plant a variety of flowers for the beauty but also planting a vegetable in hydroponic and plant various plants commonly used as natural medicines.

When I arrived, it turned out the mother-in-law I was going to harvest one of the plants that are in there that pepper plants. Pepper plants this is one of the plants often bear fruit and are harvested by the mother-in-law. This is because pepper is one of the spices that are always used in a lot of Indonesian food.


Pepper plants are very easy to grow; you can even plant a pepper in a pot in the yard of the house as my family did. Pepper plants are in pots is often called The Pepper Shrup, because of the pepper grown in pots does not propagate like a pepper grown in the agricultural land.



Pepper fruit is usually grown clustered in one stalk. How to harvest it is not difficult. We just need to break the sprigs of berries in the armpit with the use of hands. If you care for this plant well, we can get the fruit of the pepper even up to the age of the plant 15 years.

Pepper that has been harvested is then separated from the stem to separate. Then pepper are boiled in hot water for 15-20 minutes. After boiled the pepper in bathing under the sunlight to dry and can be used as seasoning.

Boil Pepper in 15-20 Minutes

Peel Off Pepper

Bathing on Direct Sun


As well as seasoning, pepper also has many benefits for our health or the treatment of symptoms of mild illness. Pepper is widely used for the treatment of herbs. To quote one of the books herbal indonesia is “Tumbuhan Obat dan Khasiatnya Edisi II””, the pepper has a high content of saponins, flavonoids, volatile oil, resin, and starch.


One of the common uses of pepper as a natural medicine, namely to treat fever diseases. Provide pepper 5 grams, ginger 15 grams, cinnamon 1 finger, nutmeg 5 grams, cloves 5 grains, bangle 10 grams, and jali 30 grams. Boil these ingredients with 1 liter of water until boiling and left about 500 ml. Strain and for the same two much, after Your cold drinking water decoction the pepper.

Let's take advantage of the garden in your house right now

Author: Aswita

Email: aswitasoeprapto@yahoo.co.id
Take a pict by Iphone 11
A women obsessed planting and cooking.
See you soon!!
BYE!! You can find me instagram @aswitasoe


Thank God school has resumed from this part of the world. what of yours?

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