Why the name is Jacklyn?
Hello everyone!
Today I want to show you about the new plants that I bought from a plant seller in my city. Well, this ornamental plant is the first and the only one that came from Indonesia and not in any country. Derived from the Sulawesi region, this plant is found in the forests of Sulawesi. This plant is named Alocasia Sulawesi Sp. There are other names of this plant, namely ‘Alocasia Jaklyn’. Named after Alocasia Jaklyn because it was found by a woman named Jaklyn. However, many communities of lovers of ornamental plants prohibit such a name because Jaklyn is only a collector of ornamental plants, and are found in the original community around the forests of Sulawesi. So the lovers of ornamental plants aroid call it Alocasia Sulawesi Sp.
Alocasia Jacklyn is so unique
In the beginning, I'm interested in buying this plant because this plant is very unique, has a different texture to the other plants on the leaves, and certainly, this plant comes from Indonesia.
On the leaves, there are fur smooth and soft textured. His fur is very soft and make this plant is very unique.
As you can see, that the plant is almost similar to the Horns of a deer. There is a part spiky branched at the top of the leaves. Alocasia also has a color that I think is such a Calladium Tatoo. And most uniquely, the leaves on this plant look like the leaves are plastic but still look stylish and sturdy. This plant is very difficult to obtain because many of the collectors of ornamental plants from foreign countries are interested to buy this plant. And these plants include plants specialized export from Indonesia.
How to care Alocasia Jakclyn..
For growing media of his own, these plants require the planting medium damp, and much in need of water. To the intensity of the light, these plants do not require direct light. Because if exposed to direct sunlight then the Leaves will dry quickly and yellowing so needs to make a special shade and moist. These plants include plants that are easily treated but it takes a special trick. The plant seller told me, that watering the plants is for three days once a watering or two times a week.
According to you guys,
Do you guys agree that this plant is very interesting and will have value waiting in the future? comment below yes.
See you in the next one..

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Hallo mba, salam kenal, mba mau tanya tulisan blognya rapih kaya gitu gimana ya?ketik dan edit pakai komputer atau bisa langsung di HP?
Hallo salam kenal, kamu bisa cek postingan @ybanezkim
Makasih banyak ya mba infonya😉
Ini masih satu keluarga sama kuping gajah enggak sih?
Jadi pengen pelihara taneman juga (lalu ingat kalau aku adalah orang yang bikin kecambah aja gagal)
Keknya engga, emg ada tanaman kuping gajah?🤣
Ih ada. Bentuknya mirip kayak gitu. Apa ya nama latinnya? Kayaknya kuping gajah cuma nama sebutan di tempat gue aja deh
Wkwkw gaperna tau tp mgkin klo ada gambarnya kenal wkwkw