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It's SOOOO important that the so-called "first world" begins to learn more about the wild medicine plants of South America. Really appreciating the personal connection you have to this imformation, and your striking images.

Following you from Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand. 😊





Thank you very much to me, if it is really very unfortunate, a lot of valuable information is misrepresented by magico-religious beliefs and you do not have access to this wonderful medicine that has done good to people who were really very bad on a physical level, for example I have serious problems in my spine and I have used this medicine as a means of self-healing and it is very effective. I can walk easily and I do not have pain in my spine as extreme as before experimenting with this wonderful ancient medicine. Thanks for the support!

One person's "sacred" is another person's "magico-religious". 😆

I'm thrilled you've had a great outcome from using the medicine - more persona stories are needed! 😉

 5 years ago  

is not a reliable source of information.
This person is not a doctor, and has not gone into the jungle to learn with any tribe.
The information he shares is dangerous.
people with mental problems need special care. dmt can make their condition worse.
Ñua (name of "yopo") cannot be given to people who are being treated with antidepressants, seizure medicines, or medicines for schizophrenia.
Be careful.

 5 years ago  

@auelitairene, you are quite correct that the compounds in these medicines have adverse reactions with the medications you listed. However, this author has not made the claim of using this medicine while taking the others, only that the medicine can help people with those ailments (I'm assuming that it would be taken as an alternative to pharmaceuticals). You are quite correct that this medicine can certainly worsen mental health conditions, though, and should only be approached by those with the proper training in handling these medicines and mental illness together. This author seems not to be giving any type of health advice though. What I am reading is an informative post with a bit of personal experience. I definitely appreciate your advice to be cautious with this medicine and this information.

@carlosadolfochac, perhaps you could add a disclaimer at the end of your post to clarify that you are not offering medical advice to help clarify that a bit?

@alchemage, Thanks for the support and recommendations!