Searching for medicine in plants

Searching for medicine in plants

A few days ago I started researching different types of plants to attract pollinators and with this I found a lot of information about some plants that are used to cure different ailments.


Constantly working on my Green Life project has worn me down a bit. I have never been used to physical work, it is something totally new for me at 40 years old. Little by little I'm getting used to it but my body is starting to feel pain and some discomfort.

So I started checking and many of the plants that I have discarded to attract pollinators turn out to be very useful in curing various diseases. So here are two medicinal plants that so far seem very interesting to me to open a record of them and take them into account for future ailments.

Ruellia tuberosa

This vine is very common throughout Venezuela, I remember taking some photographs of it a few years ago. This time I ran into her in the middle of a rural road near my home, I took some graphs and then I investigated.

I discovered that Ruellia is used in the laboratory to carry out experiments as a large kidney project for Diabetes patients, in this case it uses only the root.


In Asia they use it as a diuretic and as a natural analgesic by making infusions of its flowers.

Some aboriginal ethnic groups in South America use it to combat anemia and cure stomach diseases.

It is also known as an excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

It is surprising that after so many years I discovered these impressive characteristics of this plant that in the country is a simple wild shrub. Since in other countries it is grown for ornamental reasons.

Commelina erecta (“St. Lucia flower”

Unlike the previous one, if it is widely known in Venezuelan popular culture, it does not rule like the Collirio flower, the Santa Lucía Flower is capable of curing conjunctivitis, other ethnic groups in South America assert that it has properties in matters of fertilization, the foliage It is used for sore throats, it can also be used for bleeding that has nothing to do with menstruation, postpartum complications, it is related to curing rickets and it can be used to cure pus in the urine related to gonorrhea.


Although I have only used it personally to cure conjunctivitis. Just one application of the natural gel produced by the flower was enough to cure my eye irritation in just 1 day.

This has given me a great idea of ​​​​preparing specialized publications on how to prepare remedies based on medicinal plants. So stay tuned for upcoming posts.


aw! flowers in the beard! i love it. Best of luck on your medicinal search.

Muchas gracias 🙂 Las flores me las coloque para una presentación musical. Las ventajas de tener flores cerca de tu hogar.