Sunshine, A Thousand Hopes


Are you being diligent in sunbathing just because of the Corona pandemic outbreak?

I always liked to bask in the morning sun. I am very grateful to live in an area that is blessed with sunshine almost every day.


Feeling the touch of sunshine touching the skin is a pleasure that cannot be explained in words.


While closing my eyes and breathing, I felt so much blessing. The sound of simplicity from around my fish pond.


Golden Berry Flower

I also know that the plants around me are happy too.

I do not know, it seems there is no reason not to be grateful. I want to think positively for everything, and I am very grateful that I am still given the opportunity to make my mother happy.


The sunshine from my fish pond, is a sign for me to continue to hope in the goodness of the universe, that the struggle will continue.

We form our universe with our thoughts. And if we haven't managed to be where we want to be, then it's enough to imagine that we are there, it will make us happy.


Sometimes it's all a journey of the mind, not entirely a physical journey. And that is all, led by heart.


Like the sunshine that leads thousands of hopes, so a positive attitude leads us to choose to be happy every day.

Stay Blessed!



You always find happiness and peace around plants

Absolutely yes 😊

Postingan khas kaum hawa. Insya Allah saya selalu mengunjungi tulisannya anda.

Terima kasih support nya

Just really appreciated the simplicity of your positive message today @anggreklestari

While closing my eyes and breathing, I felt so much blessing.

Enjoyed a real sense of purity from your images, which remind me so much of my Thai garden. It's raining right now and the frogs are singing here too.

Spread the love 😊💪☀

 5 years ago  

I feel taking in some of that sunshine is a way of self-caring! I too like to get out and enjoy the sunshine every sunny day, especially now with Spring and there is warmth in the sun ( in winter there is a few months where there isn't too much heat in the sun because it is so low on the horizon)!
Thanks for sharing your special spot in the sun and positive vibes!

Spring is great time for you.

Stay blessed 😊

What beauty you are blessed with each day. We are currently still cold. You are fortunate for such nature. I spent a month in Indonesia, in Bali and now I wish I were back again.

❤ Bali is a great place to spend time

Hope you can came back to Bali