Sunny day, filled with sunshine that refreshes the body. It's worth being grateful for, right? Sunlight is really expensive lately. More often than not it rains the days here which causes flooding.
Today's sunny day makes me even more grateful. Sometimes I feel stupid when I complain about a hot day. I knew I would miss the natural heat of the sun if it rained days.
Delicious Dragon Fruit Smoothie for Sunny Day
Hi, universe. Thank you for today's blessings. I have served a dragon fruit smoothie with grapes and melon slices for my breakfast.
What's your breakfast today?
Dragon fruit is a fruit that is easy to find here and is rich in antioxidants and predominantly sweetness. Worth enough to start the day, right?
Nature Needs Our Attention
Increasingly, so many natural disasters are coming in various regions, especially in Indonesia. It hit my heart. I still often don't care about my environment.
Or at least getting other people to care about the environment is also a good start, because I know caring for being alone will be quite difficult at the beginning.
By not littering and regularly repairing the flow channels in the village where we live with other people, this is actually enough to help the problems that occur in our village.
How about the area where you live? Are there specific environmental problems that are difficult to solve?
I wish the world a better place with us all caring about our nature. And reducing the consumption of industrial products can also help balance some of the resources that are often overused in industrial products.
Thank you, today, and don't forget to choose to be happy!
I always found Asia to have a big litter problem. Whatever you can do to help is a good thing. Loving your gratitide series Angrek.
I try my best to share something positive even I knew this is will be a hard path :)
Jago memang memainkan foto, ada aja idenya, hebat
Kita harus selalu kreatif. Ehehe
This looks so delicious 🤤🤤
Thanks 🥂
Oh how I miss pink dragonfruit. They are just too expensive here in Suriname to eat often. However, we did find a source of milkfruit for a decent price. Your thoughts are justified about litter, and if I remember correctly Indonesia sends more trash to the oceans than any other nation on Earth.
I guess this means Indonesia could single-handedly have a huge impact on the health of the world's oceans if the culture and attitude towards littering changes.
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