[ESP/ ENG ] La planta de Ponsigué: Potente medicina natural/ The Ponsigué plant: Potent natural medicine

La planta de Ponsigué, potente remedio natural: Esta planta, es muy buena, para el COLESTEROL y regula la TENSIÓN; si esta alta o baja.
Aquí les voy a colocar una foto, como es esta planta y como son sus hojas. La planta que les voy a mostrar,le faltan hojas; ya que en este país, estamos en verano y en este tiempo ellas sueltan muchas hojas, pero en invierno vuelven a echar gran cantidad de hojas, también dan unos ricas frutas, pero esta planta que les muestro, no a echado frutas este año, sin embargo, les digo estos frutos son pequeños, de forma redonda; nacen verdes y cuando maduran tienen un color marrón y bien sabrosos que son.

The Ponsigué plant, powerful natural remedy: This plant is very good for the CHOLESTEROL and regulates the TENSION; if it is high or low.
Here I am going to show you a picture of this plant and its leaves. The plant that I am going to show you, lacks leaves; since in this country, we are in summer and in this time they release many leaves, but in winter they throw again a great quantity of leaves, also they give some rich fruits, but this plant that I show you, has not thrown fruits this year, nevertheless, I tell you these fruits are small, of round form; they are born green and when they mature they have a brown color and very tasty that they are.



Primero, les voy a contar como supe de este gran medicina natural: bueno amigos, resulta que mi tía enfermo; ese mismo día fui a visitarla, gran sorpresa cuando llegue... mi tía estaba en cama, con el cuerpo desmallado, me dijo, que la cabeza le daba vueltas, que sentía mareos , me contó que fue al médico, de hecho, le hicieron los exámenes y le tomaron la tensión. El médico le dijo; usted lo que tiene es el colesterol alto y la tensión baja. Le dieron unas pastillas y la mandaron para la casa, ya que el hospital esta congestionado y las personas no las retienen mucho en el , por lo del corona virus. Las pastillas le calmaban por poco tiempo; pero, al rato le volvían a dar los mareos y desmayos, ya después de la visita me fui. Le dije que se cuidara que yo pasaba el siguiente día, a visitarla, para ver como seguía.
Sucede pues, que al siguiente día, voy a visitarla; gran sorpresa al verla, andaba por la casa caminando, tranquila y haciendo oficio, ¿le pregunte, tía , pero como es esto, si tu ayer estabas en cama, con muchos mareos; el colesterol alto y la tensión baja?. Me contó, que un vecino cercano le llevo un remedio natural. Le dijo tome esto, vera que mañana, amanecerá como nueva. Así hizo, se tomo el agua, por cierto, era el agua de hojas de Ponsigué. No dude en preguntarle como se preparaba (me respondió), solo hay que conseguir las hojas de esta planta, no me costo mucho conseguirlas, ya que mi suegra tiene esta planta, que les mostré anteriormente en la foto. Aquí les voy a dejar como se prepara, esta maravillosa planta, para que ustedes compartan, con algún amigo o familiar.

First, I am going to tell you how I learned about this great natural medicine: well friends, it turns out that my aunt got sick; that same day I went to visit her, big surprise when I arrived.... My aunt was in bed, with her body collapsed, she told me that her head was spinning, that she felt dizzy, she told me that she went to the doctor, in fact, they did the tests and took her blood pressure. The doctor told her; you have high cholesterol and low blood pressure. They gave her some pills and sent her home, since the hospital is congested and people don't keep them there very long because of the corona virus. The pills calmed her down for a short time, but after a while the dizziness and fainting returned, and after the visit I left. I told her to take care of herself and that I would visit her the next day to see how she was doing.
It so happened that the next day, I went to visit her; I was very surprised to see her walking around the house, calm and doing her job, I asked her, aunt, but how is this, if you were in bed yesterday, with a lot of dizziness, high cholesterol and low blood pressure? She told me that a neighbor nearby brought her a natural remedy. He told her to take this, you will see that tomorrow, you will wake up as good as new. So she did, she drank the water, by the way, it was Ponsigué leaf water. I did not hesitate to ask her how to prepare it (she answered me), you just have to get the leaves of this plant, it did not cost me much to get them, since my mother-in-law has this plant, which I showed you previously in the photo. Here I am going to leave you how to prepare this wonderful plant, so that you can share it with a friend or family member.

Primero; se tienen que sacar las hojas de las ramas, ya que estas tienen espinas pequeñas.

First, the leaves must be removed from the branches, as they have small thorns.


Lavar bien las hojas y hervir por un tiempo de 5 minutos.Las personas que no tengan la planta a la mano y tengan que conseguir las hojas con un amigo, familiar o comprarlas también sirven secas; las pueden guardar, bien estas se conservan.

Wash the leaves well and boil them for 5 minutes. People who do not have the plant at hand and have to get the leaves from a friend, relative or buy them also serve dry; they can keep them, well these are preserved.


Después de hervir, esperar que se enfrié y colar la bebida.

After boiling, wait for it to cool and strain the beverage.


Ya lista coladas las hojas, guardar en la nevera, tomarla fría o también, temperatura ambiente. Esta bebida al beberla, tiene un saborcito amargo, pero pasa rápido, después queda como un sabor como dulce en la boca. ¡Otra cosa por favor, beber sin azúcar!.

Once the leaves have been strained, store in the refrigerator, drink it cold or at room temperature. This drink has a bitter taste when you drink it, but it passes quickly, then it is like a sweet taste in your mouth. Another thing please, drink without sugar.


Como tomar: un vaso diario por tres días. Les sugiero, tener siempre a la mano estas hojas; cuando sientan algún malestar, repetir el tratamiento por 3 días mas.

How to take: one glass daily for three days. I suggest you to always have these leaves at hand; when you feel any discomfort, repeat the treatment for 3 more days.

Me despido de ustedes, amigos de natural medicina; hasta la próxima.

I bid you farewell, friends of natural medicine; until next time.


Very interesting! I don't have high cholesterol but I sure have low blood pressure. Pretty much the only remedy I know is salt, lol. My friends keep telling me they're going to buy me a salt lick like a horse, ha ha.
For those looking this plant up, I did a search and the scientific name is ziziphus mauritiana, if I'm not wrong. It doesn't grow where I live so I'd never heard the name before and had to look it up. :)

Oh! PS - a lot of the mods in Natural Medicine like it when bilingual posts are either written side-by-side, or all in one language then all in the second language, instead of back-and-forth like this, because they find it easier to read to just scroll to whichever language they speak and read it all together. So just thought I'd let you know, so you can get more upvotes and shares in the future!

thank you for your recommendation; I will take it into account.

 4 years ago  

Wow! This is some really powerful natural medicine. Glad this treatment worked for your aunt. Thanks for sharing.

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