Acurewa's Air Monkey Lab Opportunities edition // Laboratorio del mono de aire Acurewa edición de las Oportunidades

in Natural Medicine4 years ago
Authored by @acurewa


Let's go and see what opportunities the monkey found this week!Welcome to a new edition of Acurewa's Monkey Lab curation. Today is all about opportunities! The ones that present here on HIVE and all around the blockchain envirinment. We Have #DeFi, #Splinterlands, #Dcity and even the future of HIVE.


Bienvenidos a una nueva edicióndel Laboratorio del Mono Aire Acurewa. oy es todo sobre oportunidades. Las que están presentes acá en HIVE y en todo el espacio blockchains. Tenemos #DeFi, #Splinterlands, #Dcity y hasta una discusión sobre el futuro de HIVE.


So, whats this "Acurewa's Air Monkey Lab" curation column about you might ask?

First and foremost I'll be scouting HIVE for good content about psychedelics and their therapeutic uses. Including the city drugs and the ancient plant medicine of the indigenous people. Because this Monkey is very curious about the functioning of the mind and the psychedelic dimensions.

Second, we'll take a look at Do It Yourself projects; planting our own gardens, building our own tools and houses and preparing our own medicine. With the occasional delicious recipes for good food. As all monkeys I have to create hands and I like to highlight artisans that do amazing things with their minds and hands.

And third but not last there will be some content about technology, blockchain and video-games! Because we like to learn and play as all monkeys do!

Entonces, ¿qué es lo que esta columna de curación del "Laboratorio del Mono de Aire Acurewa" podría estar buscando?

En primer lugar, buscaré en HIVE buen contenido sobre psicodélicos y sus usos terapéuticos. Incluyendo las drogas de la ciudad y las antiguas plantas medicinales de los pueblos indígenas. Porque este mono es muy curioso sobre el funcionamiento de la mente y las dimensiones psicodélicas.

En segundo lugar, echaremos un vistazo a los proyectos de DIY / Hazlo tú mismo, construyendo nuestras propias herramientas en casa, revolucionando nuestra forma de vivir siendo auto-suficientes, siguiendo una linea de trabajo en permacultura. Como todos los monos tengo que crear con mis manos y me gustaria destacar a los artesanos que hacen cosas asombrosas con sus mentes y manos.

Y en tercer lugar, pero no menos importante, estare buscando algún contenido sobre la tecnología, la blockchain y los video juegos. Porque nos gusta aprender y jugar como todos los monos.


Leveling the Playing Field - LEO is Switching to a Linear Curation Curve.The people at the @leofinance comunity are driving a lot of innovation and interconnection with the #DeFi integration of the Leo token into that environment. But today the bring us an amazing piece of new for manual curators like us here on @adiwathrive on their article

"We can all agree that user x adds more value to the platform by manually curating, but under the current structure, they are paid less rewards AND they're spending their time to manually curate good content."

The future of Hive as the uncancelable culture as opposed to mainstream media, where accounts gets cancelled and content dissapears due to corporate media decisions.
"But, because advertisers provide the income, a corporate investor owned platform that is driven by profits must maximize their gains, which means anything that threatens profits that can be mitigated or replaced by something that doesn't will be removed - including users who have previously been supported as value adding."On this really thought provoking piece @tarazkp brings un his POW of

I really believe in Splinterlands and the last AMA only confirmed the hunch that they are really thinking big. Plus getting the angel investment from the man that founded Zynga games (Eric Schiermeyer) is truly a big thing.

Our next opportunity today comes with the great new that @splinterlands' DEC token gets included into the #DeFi markets and the people behind this movement are offering nice rewards for those who wants to provide liquidity to the pool. It ties into the upcoming land release further down this month.


SplinterStats - Cards By League Caps Update + Content Summary.On this interesting news update our friends at @splinterstats tell us about their latest upgrade of the amazing tool for the game, which bears the same name on

It's been quite some time since I released the original page 11 months ago. Although it was still providing all the required functionality, it needed a face lift to match the Rewards Cards page, which I hadn't got around to.


Willsaldeno rank 65 dCityOur good friend @willsaldeno brings us an insight on where he explains that @Dcity is one if not the most rewarding game on the HIVE blockchain.

"... but after playing several games today I can assure you that so far dCity is the best game so far in our ecosystem..."

So, this is it for this week! Thanks for reading and go support these nice content creators.

Entonces, ¡esto fue todo por hoy! Gracias por leer y vayan a apoyar a estos grandiosos autores.

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