Acurewa's Air Monkey Lab Bridges edition // Laboratorio del mono de aire Acurewa edición de Puentes

in Natural Medicine4 years ago
Authored by @acurewa


Part of being a migrant is creating a bridge between our own culture and the one we are being welcome into.
This edition is all about bridges, creating an understanding of the country we are living, in our family's case Colombia. A cryptocurrency bridge between our HIVE community and arguably the hottest new landscape, the #DeFi ecosystem currently running on the Ethereum network. Said bridge is the LEO token and its wLEO counterpart as an erc-20 equivalent. And finally a tank highlight of he new expansion of Splinterlands, Azmaré Dice.


Parte de ser un migrante es crear un puente entre nuestra propia cultura y la que nos está dando la bienvenida.
Esta edición es sobre puentes, crear un entendimiento del país que estamos viviendo, en el caso de nuestra familia, Colombia. Un puente de criptomonedas entre nuestra comunidad de HIVE y posiblemente el campo mas actual, el acosistema #DeFi que corren en la red de Ethereum. Dicho puente es el token LEO y su contraparte erc-20 el wLEO. Y finalmente una reseña sobre uno de los nuevos tanques que nos trae la última expansión de Splinterands Azmaré Dice.


So, whats this "Acurewa's Air Monkey Lab" curation column about you might ask?

First and foremost I'll be scouting HIVE for good content about psychedelics and their therapeutic uses. Including the city drugs and the ancient plant medicine of the indigenous people. Because this Monkey is very curious about the functioning of the mind and the psychedelic dimensions.

Second, we'll take a look at Do It Yourself projects; planting our own gardens, building our own tools and houses and preparing our own medicine. With the occasional delicious recipes for good food. As all monkeys I have to create hands and I like to highlight artisans that do amazing things with their minds and hands.

And third but not last there will be some content about technology, blockchain and video-games! Because we like to learn and play as all monkeys do!

Entonces, ¿qué es lo que esta columna de curación del "Laboratorio del Mono de Aire Acurewa" podría estar buscando?

En primer lugar, buscaré en HIVE buen contenido sobre psicodélicos y sus usos terapéuticos. Incluyendo las drogas de la ciudad y las antiguas plantas medicinales de los pueblos indígenas. Porque este mono es muy curioso sobre el funcionamiento de la mente y las dimensiones psicodélicas.

En segundo lugar, echaremos un vistazo a los proyectos de DIY / Hazlo tú mismo, construyendo nuestras propias herramientas en casa, revolucionando nuestra forma de vivir siendo auto-suficientes, siguiendo una linea de trabajo en permacultura. Como todos los monos tengo que crear con mis manos y me gustaria destacar a los artesanos que hacen cosas asombrosas con sus mentes y manos.

Y en tercer lugar, pero no menos importante, estare buscando algún contenido sobre la tecnología, la blockchain y los video juegos. Porque nos gusta aprender y jugar como todos los monos.


Some days ago, someone asked me what kind of stereotypes people had about my country. Well, I have never lived or been abroad for a long time, and though, the answer came quickly to my mind. I'm Colombian. The heaviest stereotype about us is that we are whether cocaine consumers or cocaine dealers (or both, but no none).


The Leofinance community has been on fire and its token being listed on more exchanges and outpacing even the HIVE token on the price side. WLEO Has Been Listed on Coingecko and Blockfolio! is an amazing piece of news for the whole HIVE community.

All this increased interest is exactly why we pursued WLEO so heavily in the first place. The motto of this entire launch has been to step outside of the Hive ecosystem and shine the light on our project so that we can bring new people into the fold and onboard them onto the platform.

In this entry How to Wrap LEO into WLEO we get a tutorial on how to jump straight into the #DeFi ecosystem starting on HIVE.

In this video (and written) guide, we'll walk you through the steps of wrapping LEO. It's a deceptively simple process. While it may sound complicated, there are only 3 real steps when it comes to wrapping LEO from Hive into wLEO on Ethereum.


tank Naga brute.
Not everyday you see a tank capable of defending against melee, ranged and magic attacks without any weak spots — but that's what Naga Brute offers, at all levels. It might not have a shield, but it does wear a lot of armor. Unless an opponent is using shatter, which is usually not the case, very few tanks will be a better option.@felipejoys brings us this useful analysis on the new

VIDEOGAMES // videojuegos

Golden Sun for Game Boy Advance. ENG//ESPA@mau189gg gives us a nostalgia filled retrospective of

 I'm not talking about another but of Golden Sun, opinion, experiences of this wonderful game although a little old equally you enjoy the experience and development of logic and reflexes.

So, this is it for this week! Thanks for reading and go support these nice content creators.

Entonces, ¡esto fue todo por hoy! Gracias por leer y vayan a apoyar a estos grandiosos autores.

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On this thought provoking piece our friend @lafeedekalarka confronts us with the most pervassive of stereotypes, the colombian folk and Cocaine on her entry


Gracias por la mención y por la atención a mi publicación, de verdad agradecido y de verdad motivado a seguir adelante, excelente y maravilloso día

Bienvenido hermano, gracia por hacer contenido interesante!

Muchas gracias por la bienvenida y muchas gracias tambien por el comentario sobre mi contenido, eso me llena de felicidad, pues hago el contenido con todo el corazon y esforzandome para hacer lo mejor que puedo para que sea de calidad e interesante, cualquier acontacion a contenidos anteriores o futuros bienvenidos seran.

Por acá estaremos atentos! Simpre apoyamos a la gente que ace contenido bonito y con el corazón.