Musiczone Songchallenge phase 2 - THIS LIFE by Ovey10 (Original Song) ENG/ESP

in Music Zone4 months ago
Musiczone Songchallenge phase 2 - THIS LIFE by Ovey10 (Original Song) ENG/ESP



Hello everyone, it really feels good to be back on deck for the phase 2 of song challenge. My name is Ovey and this is my original song with the title "THIS LIFE".

I decided to write a song with everything that's in my heart maybe the message will be more clearer, and I hope you all can see through my words and understand what I am trying to say..
Lately a lot of tragedy has been happening in my state, we've lost prominent people into the cold hands of death. It is quite alarming that it's the young adults that are dieing on a regular bases. This isn't a good news at all and you might not really understand what am saying if you've not lost a love one. I don't pray for anyone to fall into this condition because it's really terrible to know that you will not talk to your beloved again and you won't get to see them again because death has taken them away from you..

It is normal we all will leave the earth someday but it shouldn't be untimely. Loosing more than 3 to 5 persons every month is quite scary. Accidents, sickness and hardship has been claiming the lives of people here on a constant level, the happenings has instill fear in the hearts of youth in my area.

I am a victim of that too but I have found a way to comfort myself and that's in Jesus Christ. "THIS LIFE" is one and death will come for sure, the best is not to be buried in fear rather in Christ.
There is no need to brag with the life that is borrowed, nobody knows tomorrow, it's by God's grace we are here today..

I added some rapping in my song, I will drop the lyrics here so you can comprehend better what am saying. I am not very good with rapping but wanted to sound unique with my phase 2 song challenge entry. I hope this songs gives you courage to trust God no matter how difficult the times are becoming.

Kudos to all the judges behind this contest @edwardstobia @yisusth and @dimeilaz

I want to invite @franco10 and @jona1 to join this challenge. Check community pin post for the rules and guidelines of the event..

My Presentation


This life is one X2
You are here today it's by His grace
You don't know what tomorrow brings
You don't know how, it's gonna be
So we should live the life
That Jesus lived, the kind of life
We ought to live
He sees your pain
He knows your sorrows
He'll wash away
And wipe those tears X2


Everyday and every night yeah..
Some things are happening that I cannot comprehend you..
People loosing their lives I cannot longer feel this vibes
It feels like the essence of life
Is turning into some kind of lies

Just tell me what's the prize of the people's life that was mentally and brutally and morally devitalize..
I feel so devastated,
by the dead rates in our state here,
I feel am loosing patience
My whole life now in great fear..

But now I know, this life is not our own
So homies let's focus on the goal
It is God alone
And in Jesus the Christ
We have overcame
His blood speaks louder than Abel's, brother to Cain..

Repeat Chorus..


Hola a todos, me siento muy bien de estar de vuelta en la segunda fase del desafío de la canción. Mi nombre es Ovey y esta es mi canción original titulada "ESTA VIDA".

Decidí escribir una canción con todo lo que hay en mi corazón, tal vez el mensaje sea más claro y espero que todos puedan ver a través de mis palabras y entender lo que estoy tratando de decir.
Últimamente han estado sucediendo muchas tragedias en mi estado, hemos perdido a personas prominentes en las frías manos de la muerte. Es bastante alarmante que sean los adultos jóvenes los que estén muriendo con regularidad. Esta no es una buena noticia en absoluto y es posible que no entiendas realmente lo que digo si no has perdido a un ser querido. No rezo para que nadie caiga en esta condición porque es realmente terrible saber que no volverás a hablar con tu ser amado y que no podrás volver a verlo porque la muerte te lo ha arrebatado.

Es normal que todos abandonemos la tierra algún día, pero no debería ser prematuro. Perder más de 3 a 5 personas cada mes es bastante aterrador. Los accidentes, las enfermedades y las dificultades han estado cobrando las vidas de las personas aquí de manera constante, lo que ha infundido miedo en los corazones de los jóvenes de mi área.

Yo también soy víctima de eso, pero he encontrado una manera de consolarme y es en Jesucristo. "ESTA VIDA" es una y la muerte llegará con seguridad, lo mejor es no estar enterrado en el miedo, sino en Cristo.
No hay necesidad de alardear con la vida prestada, nadie sabe el mañana, es por la gracia de Dios que estamos aquí hoy.

Agregué algo de rap a mi canción, dejaré la letra aquí para que puedas comprender mejor lo que digo. No soy muy bueno con el rap, pero quería sonar único con mi entrada del desafío de la canción de la fase 2. Espero que esta canción te dé coraje para confiar en Dios sin importar cuán difíciles se estén volviendo los tiempos.

Felicitaciones a todos los jueces detrás de este concurso @edwardstobia @yisusth y @dimeilaz

Quiero invitar a @franco10 y @jona1 a unirse a este desafío. Consulte la publicación del pin de la comunidad para conocer las reglas y pautas del evento.



Wow what a nice presentation boss i love the scale thanks 🙏 for sharing

It's my pleasure sir...
Thank you for tuning in

I enjoy your song that says new life, because everyday we live a new life in this world.

Thanks Bro😎

Congratulations @ovey10, you have achieved something extraordinary. Your song is a reflection of your own experience and the reality that many people face. The lyrics are honest and moving, and your interpretation is passionate. The decision to incorporate rap adds an extra dimension to the song and makes it even more memorable. Thank you for giving us a work of art that invites us to reflect on the life, death, and importance of faith. Congratulations on this incredible interpretation!


Thank You so much team, I'm glad you like my style of creativity for the phase 2 song challenge. I wanted to sound unique a little bit and put of my comfort zone I made this one.. I so much appreciate your kind comments

How great, you have proven to be a versatile artist by incorporating rap into your song. Its interpretation is fresh and original, which makes it an outstanding piece of the challenge. Congratulations!

It wasn't easy writing down those lines but I'm glad I could achieve that result bro..
Thank you for your complimentsThank You very much my friend @yisusth

Ovey brother, how nice to hear from you.... It's been a long time since I enjoyed one of your interpretations my friend!.... I send you a big hug, God bless you!

Hey old man..😉
Am super excited to share this virtual connectivity with you bro, it's been long bro and I send you a big hug too brother...
God uplift you Bro

Wow! Oh my God, you're super good at what you do, bro.
See me vibing to this beautiful and amazing song of yours. I never knew you could rap this way🤗

I really enjoy this original song's, and you're passing a strong message to everyone alive.

I celebrate grace, sir, and I pray for increased grace, bro.

My bro...
Thanks man for your heart warming comments, we are pushing to grow and go grow bigger Bro. Am happy this came forth just as it should and am most grateful for your lovely comments man..
Thanks for coming around bro @oluthomas

Omo bro I go need download the video I really enjoy the rap, I fit dey call you Rap Lord.

I love your creativity bro. 🥂

This is so amazing👍😍 boss
And I really like it

thanks allot boss

wah,nice brother,this is lyrich very cool,i like your write,you are extraordinary song writter,you bravo man🔥🔥🤟🏻🎸