Musiczone Songchallenge phase 1 - There's No Love Without Pain by Ovey10 (Original Song) ENG/ESP

in Music Zone4 months ago
Musiczone Songchallenge phase 1 - There's No Love Without Pain by Ovey10 (Original Song) ENG/ESP



Hello everyone, it's a blessed day here already, I am very excited to be part of the second episode of the Song challenge going on live in the music zone community. For me I see this challenge as an avenue to bring our the hidden potentials of creatives all around Hive. I think it pushes musicians to think outside the box and be more creative with their talents since the competition directs us to produce and present unpublished songs for the competition on Hive Blockchain. I am very excited because it has made me wrote a few songs and this very one pleases my heart so much since the lyrics are so meaningful and connects with the real essence of the song.

The title of my song is "There's No Love Without Pain". The idea of this song came when I was partially broken recently, it's not just about a girlfriend to boyfriend issues but real life issues that has to do with family and friends as well. It's been long I feel deep pain because the last time I experienced real excruciating pain was the last time I ever saw my Dad. I mean, nothing else freaks me, so I thought but I was lying because I didn't open up to love.

If you feel you are strong and no one can ever hurt you, then close the door to your heart and don't ever love anyone because the one time you fall in love is the one you will surely get hurt.

Now I'm not trying to say love is totally bad but I learned the fact that you can't love without feeling pain. Love is beautiful and love is kind but it has its ups and downs also, it's not a bed of roses but an activity to keep two or more hearts glued to each other and since we are all different creatures, we will step on each others toes in one way or the other and that's where the painful side of love that we must endure comes in. We can tolerate each other's excesses until we can't because I don't also believe in love that turns violence.

"There's No Love Without Pain!!" bury this sentence in your heart and you will keep a sustainable relationship with your partners and Loved ones wherever they are.

I hope this songs blesses you my listeners and until next phase two of the song challenge, stay blessed🙏🙏

Kudos to all the judges behind this contest @edwardstobia @yisusth and @dimeilaz

I want to invite @scottykriz and @joseph2014 to join this challenge. Check community pin post for the rules and guidelines of the event..

My Presentation


One Saturday morning
As I woke up from my bed
With a clouded mind
with so much on my head
I know that I am strong
But why do I get hurt
Then I realized
You only get hurt by the ones you love
Should I take my pain and sorrow
Drive away until tomorrow
Until I feel no pain
Then I realized
There's No Love Without Pain

Now I know That
We're not perfect but
If we hold hands
We'll surely get there and
Maybe not tonight
But tomorrow is another day X2


Trumpet solo

Back to Bridge

Should I take my pain and sorrow
Drive away until tomorrow
Until I feel no pain
Then I realized
There's No Love Without Pain x2


Now I know That
We're not perfect but
If we hold hands
We'll surely get there and
Maybe not tonight
But tomorrow is another day X2


Hola a todos, ya es un día bendecido aquí, estoy muy emocionado de ser parte del segundo episodio del desafío de canciones que se está llevando a cabo en vivo en la comunidad de la zona musical. Para mí, veo este desafío como una vía para sacar a la luz los potenciales ocultos de los creativos en todo Hive. Creo que impulsa a los músicos a pensar de manera innovadora y ser más creativos con sus talentos, ya que la competencia nos dirige a producir y presentar canciones inéditas para la competencia en Hive Blockchain. Estoy muy emocionado porque me ha hecho escribir algunas canciones y esta en particular me complace mucho, ya que la letra es muy significativa y se conecta con la esencia real de la canción.

El título de mi canción es "No hay amor sin dolor". La idea de esta canción surgió cuando estaba parcialmente destrozada recientemente, no se trata solo de problemas de noviazgo, sino también de problemas de la vida real que tienen que ver con la familia y los amigos. Ha pasado mucho tiempo y siento un dolor profundo porque la última vez que experimenté un dolor insoportable real fue la última vez que vi a mi papá. Quiero decir, no hay nada más que me asuste, así lo pensé, pero estaba mintiendo porque no me abrí al amor.

Si sientes que eres fuerte y que nadie puede hacerte daño, entonces cierra la puerta de tu corazón y nunca ames a nadie porque la única vez que te enamores es la que seguramente te hará daño.

Ahora, no estoy tratando de decir que el amor sea totalmente malo, pero aprendí el hecho de que no puedes amar sin sentir dolor. El amor es hermoso y el amor es amable, pero también tiene sus altibajos, no es un lecho de rosas sino una actividad para mantener dos o más corazones pegados entre sí y, como todos somos criaturas diferentes, nos pisaremos los pies de un modo u otro y ahí es donde entra en juego el lado doloroso del amor que debemos soportar. Podemos tolerar los excesos del otro hasta que no podamos porque tampoco creo en el amor que se convierte en violencia.

"¡¡No hay amor sin dolor!!" Entierra esta frase en tu corazón y mantendrás una relación sostenible con tus parejas y seres queridos donde sea que estén.

Espero que esta canción los bendiga, mis oyentes, y hasta la segunda fase del desafío de la canción, sean bendecidos 🙏🙏

Felicitaciones a todos los jueces detrás de este concurso @edwardstobia @yisusth y @dimeilaz

Quiero invitar a @scottykriz y @joseph2014 a unirse a este desafío. Consulte la publicación de la comunidad para conocer las reglas y pautas del evento.



We admire your courage to share such personal experiences through your music. Your song is a testimony of your strength and resilience. Although pain is inevitable, your message reminds us that love can also be a source of great joy. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!


Thank you Fam ✌️
I feel honored, thank you for this great opportunity you created for we musicians to go creative with our talents..
Am glad I achieved this and many more are coming..

Truly there's no love without pain that's awesome presentation you have Here.
And thanks for the notifications.

Yeah... Glad you came around man..

Truly there's no love without pain but in another Way its also a lesson to learn

How great that you have taken the decision to present us with an unreleased track...
Love is sacrifice, it is not easy because we all have different ways of looking at life and the process can be painful, but when we do our part it is beautiful to enjoy the company of the one we love.
I wish you the best of success

You made a very good point here, we all need to play our part very well so the two parties can enjoy a sustainable relationship..
Thank you for coming around..Thank you very much @mirel0510

Awesome performance. You did really a great job in composing such an amazing song keep the fire burning.
I wish you more grace and strength ❤️🙏🏾

Indeed we are not perfect but if we understand with each other everything will be alright, I love your song bro thanks for sharing.

Thanks allot Bro, I am glad I achieved this after the lots of rehearsing..:)

I'll tell you the truth, you sent me to tears. The body felt overwhelmed by so many feelings printed in your composition. You have touched the heartstrings here. I congratulate you for taking on the challenge and facing it with courage. Bravo!

Am glad I could transmit this feeling out there, you know out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, I've got allot to say to my listeners but thank God for music that made it easier..

We go again in phase 2 of the challenge.. Thank you so much for the compliment @edwardstobia

Yeah Sir your song was so tounchable and full will emotions and l want to say that I love that guitar with trumpet as backup

Thank you so much Sonny...
I appreciate your kind words🙌