Hive music festival week 114 round 1, a cover song of chimidi ochei titled "you are the reason I live". ENG/ESP.

in Music Zone3 months ago

Hello everyone this is hive music festival week 114 round 1, my name is Jonathan Irimiya and this is my entry for hive music festival week 114 round 1, I will be covering a song by Chimidi Ochei titled "you are the reason I live".
I'm very sorry, the name of the artist which I covered her song is Chimidi Ochei and not Tasha cobbs as mentioned in my video, sorry for that it's not intensional. Greetings to the leadership of this communitr for their support and effort to see the growth of the community. And also greetings to everyone that participate in this community, may God continue to help us all.
The song I presented is all about dependency and putting trust in God because the song says, God is the reason why we live and he is the one for us. we need not to fear about anything and we need not to be afraid or to care about what people say, for the scripture says in the book of Romans 8 ;31 say if God before us who can be against us nothing, for whatever man may do to us, if we put our trust in God, he will not disappoint us neither will he fail us man can fail, a friend can fail, neighbors can fail, wife and husbands can also fail but God never fails, he is the monarch of the universe for that reason it is good that will trust in him and believe him because he never promise and fail he is the reason why we are alive . what do we have that has not been given to us by God. If really God has given us everything we have to depend on him and put our trust in him, for God is Love and anyone who believe in him must also love.
the writer of this song Chimidi ochei, she's a mentor to me, I love her songs and particularly the one I presented title you are the reason I live, the song always remind me of God's unto him forever and ever amen .

Hola a todos, esta es la ronda 1 de la semana 114 del festival de música de colmena, mi nombre es Jonathan Irimiya y esta es mi entrada para la ronda 1 de la semana 114 del festival de música de colmena, haré un cover de una canción de Chimidi Ochei titulada "tú eres la razón por la que vivo". Lo siento mucho, el nombre del artista que versioné su canción es Chimidi Ochei y no Tasha Cobbs como se menciona en mi video, lo siento, no es intencional. Saludos a la dirigencia de esta comunidad por su apoyo y esfuerzo para ver el crecimiento de la comunidad. Y también saludos a todos los que participan en esta comunidad, que Dios nos siga ayudando a todos. La canción que presenté trata sobre la dependencia y la confianza en Dios porque la canción dice: Dios es la razón por la que vivimos y él es el indicado para nosotros. no debemos temer por nada y no debemos tener miedo ni preocuparnos por lo que diga la gente, porque la escritura dice en el libro de Romanos 8;31 digamos si Dios delante de nosotros, que puede estar contra nosotros, nada, por cualquier hombre que pueda. haz con nosotros, si ponemos nuestra confianza en Dios, él no nos decepcionará ni nos fallará el hombre puede fallar, un amigo puede fallar, los vecinos pueden fallar, la esposa y los esposos también pueden fallar pero Dios nunca falla, él es el monarca del universo por eso es bueno que confiarán en él y le creerán porque él nunca promete ni falla, él es la razón por la que estamos vivos. ¿Qué tenemos que no nos haya sido dado por Dios? Si realmente Dios nos ha dado todo tenemos que depender de él y poner nuestra confianza en él, porque Dios es Amor y todo aquel que cree en él también debe amar. La escritora de esta canción, Chimidi ochei, es una mentora para mí, me encantan sus canciones y, en particular, la que presenté con el título Tú eres la razón por la que vivo, la canción siempre me recuerda a Dios hacia él por los siglos de los siglos, amén.

You are the reason I live
You're the one for me
You're the one for me
You are the reason I live
You're the one for me
You're the one for me

Why should I fear when I have You
Surrounded by your love
Your everlasting love
Why should I care what people say
'Cause they don't know
What you mean to me

You are the reason I live
You're the one for me
You're the one for me
You are the reason I live
You're the one for me
You're the one for me

Why should I fear when I have You
Surrounded by your love
Your everlasting love
Why should I care what people say
They don't know
What you mean to me

Why should I fear when I have You
Surrounded by your love
Your everlasting love
Why should I care what people say
They don't know
What you mean to me

They don't know
What you mean to me

They don't know
What you mean to me

They don't know
Who you are to me

They don't know
The price you pay

You Are the Reason I Live


Hello, in covers, include a link from the video of the composer or original interpreter of the piece.

Thank you so much, the correction is noted I appreciate.