Hive music festival week 112 Round 4, a cover song of sinach titled "more of you".

in Music Zone4 months ago

The song I sang it's all about the sovereignty of God how great he is he makes our life so beautiful and he is our creator and there's not greater than him, and because of that we love him forever, God is a supreme being and there is none like him. We cannot exhaust him because he is unlimited that's why we continue to seek him more and more and the more we know him the more we want to know, my prayer is that, may God open our eyes to see him and to know him more and more, may God was all. Hello everyone, this is hive music festival week 112 round 4, I am with the user name @jona1, I will be covering a song by sinach titled "more of you", I'm so excited to be here again with another video, glory be to God for his mercy and also protection over my life, for this is the first week in the month of December and gradually the year is coming to an end, I want to appreciate God for how far he has seen me through right from January and this is the last month of the year which is December, actually all honor glory and power be to God. But it has not been easy right from January, there are times that things are difficult and there are times that things are okay, but both the difficult time and times that things are good God is still God he never change, he never sleep and he never slumber and he never get tired of hearing our prayers when we are weak he become more stronger so fine rest in him and we will cast all our cares on him, because he is God in time of good and bad, he remain the same when good things happen to us he know and when bad things happen to us he knows and whatever he allows to come our way he allow it for a reason and he will not harm us rather he do everything for our own good. Therefore blessed be the name of the Lord forever and ever amen

Hola a todos, esta es la semana 112 del festival de música de Hive, ronda 4, soy el nombre de usuario @ jona1, haré un cover de una canción de sinach titulada "more of you", estoy muy emocionado de estar aquí nuevamente con otro video. gloria a Dios por su misericordia y también protección sobre mi vida, pues esta es la primera semana del mes de diciembre y poco a poco el año va llegando a su fin, quiero agradecer a Dios por lo lejos que me ha acompañado desde enero y este es el último mes del año que es diciembre, en realidad toda honra gloria y poder sea para Dios. Pero no ha sido fácil desde enero, hay momentos que las cosas son difíciles y hay momentos que las cosas están bien, pero tanto en los momentos difíciles como en los momentos en que las cosas están bien Dios sigue siendo Dios, nunca cambia, nunca duerme y nunca duerme y él nunca se cansa de escuchar nuestras oraciones cuando somos débiles él se vuelve más fuerte, así que descansa en él y echaremos todas nuestras preocupaciones sobre él, porque él es Dios en el tiempo del bien y del mal, él permanece igual cuando Nos pasan cosas buenas, él lo sabe y cuando pasan cosas malas. para nosotros él lo sabe y todo lo que permite que venga en nuestro camino lo permite por una razón y no nos hará daño, sino que hará todo por nuestro propio bien. Por tanto, bendito sea el nombre del Señor por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. La canción que canté trata sobre la soberanía de Dios, lo grande que es, él hace nuestra vida tan hermosa y él es nuestro creador y no hay nada más grande que él, y por eso lo amamos por siempre, Dios es un ser supremo y hay ninguno como él. No podemos agotarlo porque es ilimitado por eso lo seguimos buscando cada vez más y mientras más lo conocemos más queremos saber, mi oración es que, que Dios nos abra los ojos para verlo y conocerlo más y más, que Dios fuera todo.

You make my life so beautiful
And as You are, You have made me here on earth
There’s nothing greater than this
That's why I'll love You forevermore

I want more of You
I want more of You, Jesus
The more I know You, the more I want to know You
Jesus, more of You

More of You
More of You
More of You
Jesus, more of You

source; More


Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thanks for sharing your performance at the Hive Music Festival. Your post was reviewed by us and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!

I really appreciate, and I love music zone, and also thank you for the opportunity giving to people like us out there to bring out our talent and may the name of the Lord be praised, thanks for viewing my post.

Hmmmm this is also a prayer point
We can't have enough of God so we'd always need him
More grace sir
Great presentation

Thank you so much, May the name of the Lord be praised, thanks for viewing my Post.

I loved your thoughts on God's attributes, He is simply perfect and all powerful.
I enjoyed this sweet melody and the peaceful sound of the guitar. Beautiful

Thank you so much, I appreciate your support and effort to comment on my post I am much more grateful, remain blessed.

This is one of my best songs. You remind me of the times we sang this song in secondary school.
Your rendition is awesome broo, bravo

Thank you very much sir, I appreciate.

See me nodding my head feeling the song. Indeed, more of God should be our prayer daily, bro. You sang beautifully. Bravo 👏👌

I'm grateful sir, long time no see I believe and hope you are doing well, let there be more of God and less of us, thank you.