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RE: who should liberate Belarus?

in dPoll2 years ago (edited)

Really take care of yourself. It was about the brutal report I mentioned above, where my hair stood on end, about a blogger, where people from a special police unit and OMON people forced their way into his flat 😟😟🤐😬😢😟
If the armed forces of Ukraine can liberate the occupied territories, they can rejoice and dream about it, but the many people who have died can no longer rejoice and what about the severely injured people and traumatised people and many who did not want to fight at all and people who no longer have a home or have fled.


There are many cases of home invasion.
If people were liberated by NATO, there would be a minimum of blood, but at the moment the idea prevails that Belarusians must defeat 2 allied armies with their bare hands

I'm not so sure that would be a minimum of blood. And these are then also people who have to fight and I think that would be with absolute horror for the poor men and poor women for them if they were asked to fight. And Nato is not just the word Nato, these are people who then have to fight. Why do you think the rulers don't fight themselves? They just like their soft, warm cushions, of course. No, they don't do it themselves, it's always the poorest who are on the battlefield. War is terrible. I am absolutely against war.
But on the other hand I find it unbearable that you have to live like you say, that Belarusians must defeat 2 allied armies with their bare hands and what I read on Wikipedia I also find unbearable . I think that the politicians of the whole world should hold intensive talks so that you all people in Belarus are well off. Ich fand es auch schon schade, dass wie der Krieg in Ukraine angefangen hat, so Konfrontation war. I think it would be good if not only politicians, but also a whole group of wise people and the Pope would come to the talks. And even politicians can change, every night, every day.

Negotiations with whom? Lukashenka has been recognized as illegitimate by politicians around the world. The Kremlin rat lies with every word, does not comply with any agreements, kills everyone he reaches, legitimacy is based on nuclear weapons, funding multi-colored politicians around the world and monstrous propaganda. (The Pope and Elon Musk are obvious victims)
Diplomacy has never defeated anyone, only military alliances and technology.
I don't see any readiness to abandon the outdated form of consensus in the form of states and the transition to a decentralized form of mind control without nations and a political globe

It would not be necessary to defeat Lukashenka if he promised that people would be allowed to demonstrate peacefully without police intervention and that he would ensure that all prisoners would be released and that there would be no more torture and rape and that new elections would be held.
In return, that Lukashenka, himself and his sons have security and Lukashenka does not have to be afraid.
As he realises that there is a lot of pressure in the population and he is unpopular, maybe he wants to change things and if he no longer feels threatened that he could lose or that something could happen, maybe he would be a good father of the country where freedom is allowed to live?
I read that a politician from Belarus said that the European Union should implement tough sanctions to cut off Lukashenka's money tap and that the EU is acting too slowly and too hesitantly and that if there were tough economic sanctions that would be a way to cut off repression.

this ghoul was engaged in political assassinations at the dawn of his activity, he is not a president at all, to allow anything, 95% voted against him. He is the same source of lies as the Kremlin and an accomplice in the killings of peaceful Ukrainians

Do you know that for sure?

those who started to compete with him disappeared, then 1 of the gang of killers fled to the West and told how they kidnapped and destroyed politicians. This practice was continued with regard to refugees to Ukraine. Although in this case I was referring to regular missile strikes and that part of the blitzkrieg that became famous thanks to the genocide in Buch, the invasion of Kyiv region took place precisely from Belarus