Which version of 'The Line' shall I make a super dang fine recording of?
People, people of the Hive platform I have a proposition for you!
Which version of this most actively rights insighting song should I record multi-track and polish to make like diamond? Eh?
It's been a long road to make all these versions.
News Flash:
You can select more than one option!
Holy poop! What fun!
This means that if enough multi-selected options are made - eg. Reggae with Punk - I will make a combination!
That will be so exciting to do - you will make my life more exciting by doing this... Consider the possibilities...
Also, I will take the time to create a magnificent video to present this most prestigious art-extrordinaire-experience.
Life is not getting any longer so...
You have one week to make decision... also, new name suggestions for the song are allowed!
By the way, if you happen to be in Australia this Saturday there is a massive
Medical freedom rally
in all major cities around the great southern land. If you like rights and you want to keep them - who cares who you voted for - come along, make new networks and stand against medical tyranny. Here is the invite.
In Love [with you of course],
ps. Thanks to the White Rose for the cover art - t.me/jointhewhiterose
PPS. Voting for people not on Hive - send me a quick email to montycashmusic@gmail.com (by the way, I'll also pop you on my mailing list if you like) and I'll add your vote to the manual tally. Voting for people who can't login to dpoll.xyz - just leave a comment and I'll also pop that on the manual tally! Happy voting! Btw, have a little patience with 3speak, it's a community run video platform, sometimes has some hitches but generally works great! If you happen to have to sit through two toothpaste commercials before getting to the content, apologies in advance - will contact my employer the toothpaste company to tone it down a bit (ok, only joking, not sure why some of you are seeing these commercials and why some are not...) anyways... 🤔🙄😳😅😁😂
- Reggae:
- Punk:
- Standing:
- Acappella:
- Folky:
- Jazzy:
- Eastern style: https://peakd.com/hive-122315/@montycashmusic/the-line-protest-song-stand-and-stand-together
- Original:
Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.
Heya peeps, gonna tag a bunch of people here that have voted on my content before - come and vote on which version you reckon would be best recorded 'super dang fine':
@autobodhi @sketch.and.jam @rok-sivante @vcelier @trucklife-family @cmplxty @chocolatescorpi @krystle @bengy @beats4change @ylich @qsounds @recording-box @carlgnash @anarcist @peachymod @koh @onethousandwords @liverpool-fan @zaxan-blog @crescendoofpeace
I may have found you from a curation trail... so apologies, I tried to single out the personal votes.
And now I'll tag a collection of the truther community conveniently collated by our good friend quackwatch [lol]:
@ackza @amaterasusolar @activistpost @article61 @arabisouri @apshamilton @austinsteinbart @babyqplus @brianoflondon @canadian-coconut @captainquack22 @crosheille @cryptographic @chadchaddington @ctime @dailyeagle @dandays @dollarvigilante @familyprotection @felix.herrmann @foxkoit @frankbacon @frot @fulltimegeek @fyrstikken @ganjafarmer @gardenofeden @jasonliberty @hamismsf @jimbobbill @joeyarnoldvn @kennyskitchen @klausklaus @klevn @leavingtheherd @libertyacademy @lighteye @logiczombie @luca1777 @lucylin @mariuszkarowski @mers @mes @mikemullens @missagora @mmmmkkkk311 @movingman @mstrashworthy @newworldfreedom @nickhintonn @non-partisan @oldoneeye @opidia @www.oye.news @pavelsku @perceive @phusionphil @preparedwombat @quinneaker @pressfortruth @redline-aviator @resetciviliz @richq11 @rt-international @samstonehill @saramiller @stayoutoftherz @sweecee @taliakerch @tlavagabond @tommyrobinson @tonygreene113 @truthforce @truthproductions @ura-soul @valued-customer @venomnymous @wakeupnd @woelfchen @xchng @xeldal @zedikaredirect @zyx066
Feel free to express your disgust of being tagged! Otherwise, vote on which version of this revolutionary song I should make a really good crack at! Thanks!
How dare you tag me? 🤠
Oh this is old news, where have you been? 📰🤔
Doing damage elsewhere 🤠
I smoke weed because I don't believe that climate change is real.
I'm so high because I don't believe that covid really is this big huge bad pandemic that is killing billions of people and requires us all to wear masks because the news tells us so.
I'm super excited too get a bunch of things done!
That sounds great. Would you like to vote which version you like? Or just let me know here?
how many people missed the vote part entirely lol
It was never really for the vote thing in the first place but I'll try to make up my mind eventually
Thanks, I'd appreciate it! Wishing you well! 😊
If you pick the punk one, he has record a song out of his comfort zone again.
He stops in the middle of the punk one and talks shit about public policy LOL!
Well, one cannot force one to vote. 🤣
This is so offensive in more ways than one. But sure, come vote on my song peeps...
I'm actually totally trying to make up my mind I'll try to get back to you... Hopefully it'll be in a timely fashion. Awesome work though
Why do idiots make everything so easy, for the people that hey attempt to slur?
We have had such great discussions on so many topics, even music now thanks to wankwatch lol
Not sure - I'm pretty sure logic doesn't consider himself an idiot... So that answers your question I suppose. Idiots don't know they are idiots.
I never considered 'logic' an idiot...???
I was referring to wankwatch or whatever the account's called...
Sure... well it appears that 'logic' is the prime candidate:
This quote was at the top of 'quackwatch's posts.
There is also circumstantial evidence it is 'logic' directing the 'adm' account to upvote 'quackwatch's posts.
Sorry, my fault....I misinterpreted 'logic' for 'logic zombie'....Ooops.
(In my defence, I AM on my first coffee of the day! lol)
Btw, which song version do you like? 🤔😁
Thanks for the tag!
Cheers for the positive tag response! lol
I'll add your vote for the original one in the manual tally.
ps. just saw your other comment, with the acappella one as well.
edit: just saw your dpoll vote... thanks!
Im sorta folky personally ✌😎🥓👍
Nice, thanks for your vote man! btw, why the hell are you getting spaminated?
Personal reasons i guess...
You might direct that question at the assailant for future reference...
Im barefoot in all of THIS!
Not running Sox if you catch my Draft ?
Holy bazonkas! That's a cold cold place to put your bare bare feet! Are you Wim Hof? lol
lol when you tag people in posts with music...
"Spam? ... ... Ah this is good music"
"Spam? ... ... Wait, I am a what, and I did what?"
Lessons from the last few weeks lol
Glad you think so! hehe
I was hoping most would take it in good humour. It seems not everyone has that capacity. haha
But having good humour is not a prerequisite for making a vote...
Confession: I didn't listen to them all.
But since you asked, I went back to check them all out...
nOMADS of eLYSIUM version is my fav.
aside from that, I'd say the jazzy version suits my tastes best.
Hey, no prob. I appreciate the vote nonetheless. 😁
I feel honored =D
I'm only too glad to honour you... lol
That's a lot of tags lol
I don't see any options, though it may be because I'm using PeakD. Whatcha got for styles? I saw Reggae as one.
Yeah... well - squeeze a tube and see what you get hey?
There's a bunch of options there - you can use dpoll.xyz to make a registered vote or you can just give me your vote here... There's 8 versions in all.
The Punk one was awesome if you like acoustic rock and punk
I vote the standing one... Good work on the tunes, can’t wait to hear once you get it recorded, whichever it ends up being...
Thanks man, I'll pop it on the tally 👍
Thanks, for some reason the poll wouldn’t let me vote, said I needed to login first with Hivesigner, despite being logged in already, as I was voting on your videos on PeakD. Lol, something up with the dPoll coding it seems...
I'm sure dPoll will figure it out eventually... It's great we have empathy for developing parts here on Hive 👍😄
Maybe not the best way to gain attention.
Duly noted. Would you like to vote though? It's gonna be a great song.
I don't recommend this technique.
Ok, thanks for your feedback - I'll not use it again in the future. Would you vote though?
Because you asked so nicely, of course I will!
Voted: Reggae.
Thank you!
My pleasure.
Vote reggae ♥️
Thanks a bunch for your vote! 😁
Voted for
My fav hands down is the original version recorded on the day you wrote it. Also really like the intro you give :).
The punk version is funny lol.
Thanks man, I appreciate the feedback. I can add your vote to the mailing list tally but if you're up for it you can vote through dpoll.xyz
Voted for
Thanks man! Jazzy is good 👍😁
They all sound great, l but I'm voting for the reggae vibe .. digging the contrast. :)
Awesome, thanks so much for popping around. I'll record your vote on my mailing list tally, unless you feel like logging into dpoll.xyz
I've been trying to log into dpoll, but for some reason, it's not allowing me to.
Ok, no prob. I'll keep a tally.
Voted for
Cheers for your vote man! 😁
My pleasure
Voted for
Thanks for voting! I can certainly see how elements of these two can go together. Great suggestion!
Voted for
Voted for
Thanks for your vote... I'd actually really enjoy making a full production of the punk version. It would be so much fucking fun! And a great video with lots of riot porn. lol
Voted for
Thanks so much for voting! I also like this version a lot.
I'm hoping to get to the rally in Brissy on the weekend.
Awesome, I'm making a big fuckoff placard now. Got supplies today:
Any ideas for slogans? I've got a few ideas but still haven't settled on one.
Fantastic mate and you will come up with something great I'm sure.
First side done! 👍
Second side... Drum roll please...
Actually, I decide to add more dramaticness.. Haha
"2 weeks to flatten the curve, 18 months to flatten the GDP, what's getting flattened next?"
Ten years to flatten everything.... [wind whistles]
Voted for
I like it best, but I like everything :))
Thank you!
Voted for
All of them are great, but I'm a Reggae lover. May be if you did a Ska version I could have voted for it :-D
Thanks so much for your vote man!
¡My pleasure!
BTW I couldn't listen to the one on Soundcloud, it never loaded! 😱
Ok, thanks for letting me know.
Voted for
Hi mate,
very nice song and lyrics! I like the Original version the most, just because it sounds so harmonic :)
Feel free to tag me if you'll release the song as studio version!
Also feel free to check out my latest song, too! It's called "Nie wieder" (it's German and stands for "never again") and is 100% produced in 432 Hz - a frequency which is said to have healing and harmonizing effects :) I do both verses (XCHNG) while a friend of mine is performing the chorus (Scep).
You can find it on every digital store (and Youtube) under the following link: https://linktr.ee/Niewieder2020
I would love to hear your thoughts on this! :) Thanks in advance!
Have a nice day
Hey, great song, I just had a listen and put your lyrica through the translator. I especially liked,
Thanks so much for voting! For sure I'll tag you in the final production.
Ps. I dreamed in 430 once (not 432), I know this because I remembered something in it and tuned my guitar to make that work. All the above recordings are in 430 btw.
No need to thank mate - we have to thank for your music! ♥️
Nice to hear - I guess it's still way more harmonic than this 440 Hz crap ! :)
Sure, well I find the frequency to be arbitrary. As the intention with the music makes it into something that has effect. I have experimented with 432hz and even 425hz. The spiritual theory behind it sounds nice, but from my experience makes little difference. Of course, some people vouch for it and preach it from the mountain tops. Each to their own.
And thank you so much for your feedback - I really love to hear, that you like it - thanks!
No problem. Keep up the good work! 😊
Voted for
It's a virtual tie between "Original" and "Acappella".
The spoken word intro to "Original" is fantastic.
I really like the sound of "Acappella" and the feeling of being in a group singing together.
I also really like seeing the lyrics on screen. It reinforces the message.
You might consider adding a guitar track to "Acappella" and then adding the "Original" spoken word at the beginning of the track.
Awesome man, all will be taken into account. I'll collate all the mixed votes at the end manually to make sure all feedback goes in the mix!
Considering which one I would share in its current form, the "Acappella" version gets the message across the best, with the lyrics and the protest footage and the feeling of being part of a group (because of the multiple voices).
Sure man, I'll definitely be adding harmonies if I use the original version - and also could include multiple parts like a choir. I have lots of singing friends I can get voices from too.
I'll make a great video clip for the final song that represents people standing for their rights all around the world.
Thanks for your comments and votes.
Thanks for the inspiration.
It's a virtual tie between "Original" and "Acappella".
The spoken word intro to "Original" is fantastic.
I really like the sound of "Acappella" and the feeling of being in a group singing together.
I also really like seeing the lyrics on screen. It reinforces the message.
You might consider adding a guitar track to "Acappella" and then adding the "Original" spoken word at the beginning of the track.
Your song reminds me of this one, [
(The "inappropriate" warning is complete bullshit.)
I also wanted to share this one with you,
100% the punk version, it reminded me of Alexi Laiho who passed away earlier this year. watch this video until the very end. I promise it is worth it.
I just watched the clip... Haha, "the people just can't take it anymore..." 😂
Thanks man! I'll pop your vote on the tally.
The "Original" is the best. Love the spoken word intro.
The "Acappella" is almost a tie for first. I like seeing the lyrics.
You might consider adding a guitar track to the "Acappella" version.