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This is my entry for SEAPHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST • WEEK 136
By @marc-allaria
Hi Sealovers:
On this occasion I want to share with you this photo of two yellow-legged gulls, the largest and most common spice in the Canary Islands.
This aggressive and territorial seagull can be found in marine habitats near the coast, beaches or ports of Europe, Asia and Macaronesia, although it is also seen in the interior, far from the coast.
As its name suggests, it has yellow legs, as well as its beak, it feeds on almost anything, garbage, discards from fishing boats, small mammals, young birds and eggs of other species, even considering itself a scavenger bird.
Hope you like. Greetings!
Hola Sealovers:
En esta ocasión quiero compartir con ustedes esta foto de dos gaviotas patiamarillas, la especia más grande y común de las Islas Canarias.
Esta gaviota de carácter agresivo y territorial se puede encontrar en los hábitats marinos cercanos a la costa, playas o puertos de Europa, Asia y la Macaronesia, aunque también se las ve en el interior, alejadas del litoral.
Como su nombre indica, tiene las patas amarillas, así como el pico, se alimenta casi de cualquier cosa, basura, descartes de barcos pesqueros, pequeños mamíferos, crías de aves y huevos de otras especies, considerándose, incluso, un ave carroñera.
Espero que les guste. Saludos!
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Did you know I'm a Dlux.io and a Hive-Engine Witness?
I love to collaborate with Hive's growing with the @preludiocosmico account
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You can buy my works in hi-resolution digital format on Creary.net

Copyright: Javier Sebastian, Canary Islands. All my images are original.
If you want to buy any of my visuals, please drop me a message, I'm on Discord: JavierSebastian#5816
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