Sta je ovo? Cemu sluzi? Kako radi? - What is this? What is it for? How does it work?

in Photography3 years ago (edited)


Pozdrav prijatelji, znate li sta je ovo. Stariji znaju a mladja generacija mozda neko zna neko nezna.

Hello friends, do you know what this is. The older ones know and the younger generation maybe someone knows someone doesn't know.


Ovo je jedan od veoma starih modela telefona. Naprava koja je promenila svet. Preneti glas na daljinu bill je nezamislivo sve do 1876. godine kada je Alexander Graham Bell napravio prvi model.

This is one of the very old phone models. A device that changed the world. The voice-over bill was unthinkable until 1876 when Alexander Graham Bell made the first model.


Ubrzo se prosirio po celom svetu, i promenio ceo svet, promenio nacin ratovanja, brzinu vesti, a ubrzo nasa primenu u gotovo svemu, putovanju brodom, vozom, avionom, a danasnji nacin zivota je nezamisliv bez modernog telefona i Telekomunikacije.

It soon spread all over the world, and changed the whole world, changed the way of warfare, the speed of news, and soon our application in almost everything, travel by boat, train, plane, and today's way of life is unthinkable without modern telephone and telecommunications.


Brzu internet vezu poseduje svaka kuca i svaki telefon, od toga danas zavisi ceo zivot, posao, prevoz, veze satelita sa zemljom... Danasnji telefoni su veoma slozeni, savrsenstvo modernog doba. Mala tanka kutija sa kamerama i displejom sve na dodir. A nekad nije bilo tako, velike drvene kutije sa slusalicama,brojcanikom, zicama, Ali pogledajte tu lepotu stvaranja. Drvo i metal u jedno. Kako lepi oblici, boje, i kakav izum, savrsenstvo.

Every house and every phone has a fast internet connection, the whole life, work, transport, satellite connections with the earth depend on that today ... Today's phones are very complex, the perfection of the modern age. Small thin box with cameras and display all to the touch. And it used to be like that, big wooden boxes with headphones, a dial, wires, but look at that beauty of creation. Wood and metal in one. How beautiful shapes, colors, and what an invention, perfection.



When I was young, we had a phone and everyone on our street was on the same line. It was called a party line. If you picked up the phone you could hear the neighbor's conversation. But also, they would hear you on the line and yell at you.

We all had phones like that, or at least double connections, me and the neighbor, hahaha

How cool! I've seen a clip recently where they asked kids to dial someone with such a phone. They all failed 😂
Great submission for the #POBphotocontest!

At the celebration where we were, I took a picture of this phone, my ten-year-old son was sitting with his ten-year-old friends, when I asked them what this was, only my son answered the phone, and everyone was sitting and had new ones. phones, we have to teach and educate children,