Visiting my parents in Noumea, New Caledonia

in Photography2 months ago

A few years ago, my dad had a stroke, they discovered he has had several smaller ones but no one knew about them. The last one almost took him away from us but he survived but not without serious damages that now affects his mobility, speech and ability to eat without choking. I live in Australia and my parents are in New Caledonia so it's tricky for mum to care for him by herself. Luckily, the rest of the family is still there and one of my cousins who lives in the granny flat behind our house is helping her when needed.

For Christmas, I took my son to visit his grandparents. We had a great time with the family. We also got to see the impact of the recent riots that has burned down 90% of the grocery network and other businesses, resulting in almost 3 million Euros worth of damages. The country is still recovering, prices have gone up, a lot of people have left the country, those who stayed back struggle with the increased cost of living.

As she has retired, mum now enjoys a new found hobby of gardening and she's doing pretty well. This year, she managed to keep a papaya for San and I, it was deliciously sweet:
Papaya in New Caledonia

For most of the 3 weeks there, we just spent time with my parents and the rest of the family. Lots of food obviously due to the end of year celebrations and almost every day San and I would go to the beach in the late afternoon to escape the scorching sun. After our swim sessions we would do some rock balancing and go home for dinner or try some restaurants.

Rock balancing in Ansevata

San doing rock balancing in front of Le Roof, Noumea

In the photos above, the building in the background is a set of pubs, dance floors and a restaurant (Le Roof) that were built above the water. They give view to some of the best sunsets you could see. When going at night, you can have dinner while watching the GTs (Giant Trevally) chasing bait fish on the surface.

Thien-San at Le Roof in Noumea.jpeg

Dad and son at Le Roof, New Caledonia.jpeg

Le Roof Restaurant.jpeg

People call New Caledonia, Paradise on Earth due to the lifestyle and magnificent landscapes. But the recent riots almost made it into Hell on Earth. Hopefully, my beautiful country will recover soon.

Sunset at the Lemon Bay in Noumea

Iles Aux Canards

Tree in Noumea

After diner, if we would watch a movie before bed or go back to the beach doing metal detecting. We've only found some local coins and a broken badge but it was fun and got us walking a little bit and enjoy nature.

Minelab X-Terra Pro at Lemon Bay in Noumea

Metal detecting Noumea

Badge found metal detecting

San has thoroughly enjoyed his stay in Noumea, so much cool activities to do.

San at the Beach

San doing rock balancing

My auntie generously gifted us a trip to Ilot Maitre, an entertainment islet not far from Noumea.

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Arriving at Ilot Maitre

San on a Pedalo

The buffet at Ilot Maitre

Crystal Ball

The rest of the holidays went on with more beach time and rock balancing. I've started incorporating a crystal ball (glass ball really) made for photography into the rock balancing structure. It's adding an element of interest to the usual shots.

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But now, we're back to reality at home in Australia. Tomorrow, I'm back to work, it will be difficult to re-adjust 😱.

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Those are some absolutely stunning pictures. Is New Calcedonia a country on its own or it's a state in a country?

Sorry about your father's stroke. It's a very impactful illness, I know because I lost my mother to it. Glad to see he survived, even if he's had mobility issues and the rest.

New Caledonia is a country, a small island, a French Overseas Territory. The capital city is Noumea.

Sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is hard.

Ohh I understand now, thanks for clarifying

Sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is hard.

Thank you, it's never easy

That sounds like such a wonderful experience! It's lovely to hear about spending time with your family and especially about your mom’s new hobby. I can imagine how sweet that papaya must have been! It's also sad to hear about the current situation in the country, but I remain hopeful that recovery will come soon. I hope your father continues to improve and that you and your family stay healthy and happy.

Thank you!
I also wish them to go through this hard times.

"Thank you so much for your kindness and good wishes. Love and support from someone like you truly means a lot and gives so much strength."

Waooooooo!!! What beautiful pictures and adventure with your son bro, what a nice place Noumea 😍🤩👏!!!!!

Too bad about your dad @quochuy life is so bad sometimes, nice visit to your grandparents and how nice that your mom enjoys gardening, that's my hobby and it relaxes me a lot 🙏🏻. I love nature and cactus 🌵 and I recommend it to her 💯 so if you like it you chose well.

For the images love them, because I have never gone for a walk outside my island cuba 🇨🇺😔 and in hive posts and content help me at least to know them by this platform, because many super beautiful quality.

One of these is your content and these photographs I love 😍👌. Greetings and excellent Sunday. 🙏🏻😊😉

Waoooo!! Que bellas imágenes y aventura con tu hijo bro, que bonito lugar Noumea 😍🤩👏!!!

Una lástima lo de tu padre @quochuy la vida es muy mala a veces, bonita visita a sus abuelos y que bueno que su madre disfruta de la jardinería, ese es mi hobby y me relaja mucho 🙏🏻. Amo la naturaleza y los cactus 🌵 y se lo recomiendo a ella al 💯 así que si le gusta escogió bien.

Por las imágenes las ame, porque nunca he salido a pasear fuera de mi isla cuba 🇨🇺😔 y en hive los post y contenidos me ayudan al menos a conocerlos por esta plataforma, pues muchos de calidad súper bellos.

Uno de estos es tu contenido y estas fotografías me encantan 😍👌. Saludos y excelente domingo. 🙏🏻😊😉

Translated from Spanish to English by DEEPL

Wow! Such a nice holiday with your family. Yup! I heard about the riots there which caught me by surprise. I could never imagine such a thing happening on a paradise island. But reality seems strange and incomprehensible at times.

Rock balancing is amazing to me as I couldn’t do this amazing stacking of rocks. The glass ball adds magic to these photos.

Hope you’ll get into the swing of things in a short time.

Yea it’s really sad what’s happening there. I hope they will bounce back up soon.

I hope so too. People should learn from their mistakes and do their best to make things better.

Oooh, I really like the rock balancing!

Sad to hear about the riots in Noumea. My partner, @new.things told me about them when I mentioned my desire to travel to NC. I hope your beautiful country recovers and becomes even stronger than before.

rock balancing is so much fun, reminded me our childhood.

Wow, all views are unbelievable but are real. Really appreciated work which did and spent time these stunning places and fabulous sight.

This is such a heartwarming post to read. Really enjoyed your sharings and the quality time you spent your loved ones! The rock balancing photos are cool too!

Looks like you had an amazing time in Noumea! The photos are stunning, especially the rock balancing and sunsets.

Thanks for taking me away from this bitterly cold northeast USA winter for awhile. This place is now on my bucket list. Cheers!

You sure had a fun holiday with your family 🤩. Your parents place has a lot of beautiful spot no, cool you get to enjoy these pretty spots with San ✨

Looks like you got some good weather, I except it would be quite hot and humid this time of year

Sorry about your father's illness, my grandmother mother had a stroke she didn't survive it. I hope your dad gets back on his feet ❤️‍🩹

Besides, your pictures are so beautiful ❤️, the picture quality is top notch 💯

Beautiful pictures! Metal detecting is really fun, I have one too.
Your boy really looks like you! 🤎👍

It is always good to take the children to share with their grandparents, what beautiful places Caledonia has.

Beautiful shots @quochuy ! I liked all of them, especially those with the glass ball. I am sorry to hear this about your dad, but it's a miracle that he survived and you are lucky to have him around, I hope that within times his condition gradually improves. It's very hard, but with family love around him it will definitely help. All the best to you and your family members.

Wow, very attractive pictures you've got and the place is also good. Spending quality time with our family is the best feeling.

Beautiful photographs, "make beauty" in the written work; from the restaurant, the beach and the model too!!Photos help me travel through different countries and let me see incredible places. I'm sorry about your dad.

ur dad reminds me of my mom (80 y/o now) she never had a stroke, but has dementia.. stay strong. 😉👊

ps. cool crystal ball!