Nice to see that you and Keenan got a shot without a mask! I almost thought there weren't any till I saw one woman in a pic with a mask..I wondered for a moment if this was an old story - I am glad you got to travel!
Nice to see that you and Keenan got a shot without a mask! I almost thought there weren't any till I saw one woman in a pic with a mask..I wondered for a moment if this was an old story - I am glad you got to travel!
In Herzegovina(southern Bosnia), there are no mask rules! Unless you go into a mall or into specific businesses, NOBODY wears a mask!!!! It's freaking awesome. People just living their lives.
wow, i cannot imagine that - although friends say that this is also true in Acapulco - where there is a burgeoning anarchist community as a result of Anarchapulco for many years...
That sounds pretty nice!
yes...if I was not in a relationship, I would already be moved there but my partner has property here and so we will be moving to that property eventually...although I secretly hope we will sell it and go to Mexico instead...warm weather...abundant resources -