ghastlygames cross-posted this post in Photography 3 years ago

Bird Watching at My Local Port

Black Head Gull Swimming.jpg

I live almost next to a port, which means plenty of opportunities to go and check the local sea birds. There´s a variety of them, from your average seagull, to sandpipers, egrets, and even cormorants.

Porto da Póvoa De Varzim.jpg

I took these during fall, which is the perfect season to catch cormorants. Not to mention this is their favorite spot. Some were fishing others were resting with their wings wide open. Here´s one up close:

Black Cormorant With Open Wings.jpg

Fun fact, unlike under birds like water birds their feather aren´t waterproof, so every time they go for a swim they spread their wings exposing them to the sun in order to get them dry. But on the plus side, they are excellent divers.

Cormorant Looking in the same direction.jpg

Cormorant Standing.jpg


Preening Cormorant.jpg

Sing Black Cormorant.jpg

I was also lucky to capture three of them together, seems the seagull don´t have a problem hanging out with them.

Black head Gull Fishing.jpg

There were also another gull species, the Black-Headed Gull, due to their heads turning black during summer time which is also their breeding season. But since it will be months before it arrives, their heads are mostly white with a single black dot.

Black Headed Gull.jpg

Black Head Gull 1.jpg

Black Headed Seagull (1).jpg

Canon EOS 500DZoomEF 70-300mm IS USM


All Photos on this Article are owned by me, you may not distribute or use them for commercial gain without explicit permission.


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