Snow porridge in everyday life

in Photography3 years ago

What do I think about this? Well, let's discuss! If all the streets were cleared of snow in a timely manner, if there were no snowdrifts, if there were no dirt on the roads, what would have happened then?

The only thing I am dissatisfied with is the filling of sidewalks and roads with reagents.

Ideally, if you need to remove snow with the help of reagents, then you need to dissolve it first, and then remove the resulting porridge.

But for some reason, everything ends at the first stage of "dissolve".

I've been following this trend for years and it hasn't changed!

The result is an impenetrable, impassable porridge, which only exacerbates the situation.

Where are the good old sidewalks, which are cleaned with a shovel and sprinkled with ash or sand?

Where are those roads and pedestrian areas that are kept under snow or natoptom?

Well, if you want to keep everything clean, then you need to somehow overcome the first stage and get to the second - cleaning snow porridge from the streets.

Or do not add reagents. Everything is simple.

Because of this, the usual white winter seems dirty.

I personally do not see any advantages in the reagent at all: it causes corrosion of cars, reduces adhesion with the road, spoils shoes, inconvenient to walk and ride, visually looks disgusting.

It seems to me that all manufacturers of cars, tires, shoes need to adapt their products to reagents and snow porridge.

Here is another reason for my love for snowfall - it hides all the disgrace on the roads.

To be continued..