-Office building in Edinburgh-
It's hard to explain the process of photographing something mundane. Like a tree. A peice of Architecture. A banana 🍌 -
-A lone tree stands at a service station on the Pube-Mumbai Highway-
It gets me everytime I wrap up a roll of 35mm. I think about all the great shots and all the wasted ones and when I finally get first eyes on the processed strips it's always the wasted shots that shine.
You can't imagine a great image, they just happen, like life happens. Something beyond your control.
I don't believe in planning a photograph. You make photography through perseverance and desire.
-Jewish Quarter in Girona (Used as a Game Of Thrones Set)
The pictures here are nothing to wet yourself over. They are simply images I don't remember clicking. Pleasant surprises when my mind was focused elsewhere on the images I'd been waiting to see, but often disappoint.
-Castle frequented by Cromwell. Huntington, England-
So, the next time you rush outside to photograph a grand list of targets. Throw your hit list in the trash, cross the road or tube and ride off in the opposite direction than you planned and just roll with it. Do Photography. Do it without expectations.
have a good day,
Cotton ♥️