"My Garden From a Macro Lens #35" Voracious Caterpillars.
This phase between larva and butterfly can be a real headache, in my garden they only killed a few plants in one night, I can't imagine what they would do in a field.
The appetite of the caterpillars seems infinite, as you can see some simply camouflage themselves with the environment, while others usually have bright colors to warn of their toxicity.
For some of their predators, they represent an exquisite delicacy, before I thought they had a kind of nest where there were many, but no, butterflies lay their eggs on leaves, branches, and some species simply drop them in mid-flight.
Fuente Fotos: Propias capturadas con una Tablet Síragon.
Capacidad de la Cámara: 8MPX.
Source Photos: Own photos captured with a Tablet Síragon.
Camera Capacity: 8MPX.
The nature is very interesting, only that in some cases it is necessary to observe it with a macro lens, thanks for visiting my blog and reading this publication I hope you liked it...
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