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RE: The Secret Is Simplicity

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago

I 100% agree with this.

On a completely different topic but in the same mindset, I discovered that I was working with a company whose Health and Safety management systems update and evolve every year. BUT what they were doing was adding more and more signed paperwork and more and more folders and sections into their online file system. More things instead of making the existing things better or more performance orientated.

I found out that there is something called "Complexity Bias" where people tend to believe that something that is more complicated must be better. We are talking about a system upgrade, software or hardware engineering, and any number of other things.

And yet over-complex systems and long learning curves for users definitely DO steer people away from coming aboard.

Additional to preventing someone from onboarding, is actually retaining the people you onboard which statistically seems to be even harder. Currently, there seem to be over 2.4 MILLION registered Redfish accounts on Hive of which there are currently only 22,000-odd of those who are active Redfish.

Again, as you say, simplicity and user-friendliness would be key to keeping them as opposed to complication.


We could gamify the experience for all those new members, a model like Torum used to have....Encourage to engage, follow and comment...And then slowly unlock features of their accounts as they progress...

wallet keys, permissions, etc....Ease them into the chain and they will gain confidence as they learn the ropes!


Not a bad idea.

With my own onboarding "school" I make things simple. Read about account creation and keeping your keys safe, OK now create your account.

Now go make 10 comments on posts.

Now read about introduction posts and see some examples. Now write your own.


But, people have the ability to jump the gun and do stuff they aren't ready for. Having a front end that unlocks as you check off items would be the best training ground for strong bloggers.