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RE: CTP Chat For May 7th, 2021

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

"What do you want to do to improve your business, but are unable to and why?"

For me, it's always a time issue. What I want to do to improve my business is get to the point where I can make the transition from working a corporate job full time to working for myself full time. I am unable to because my wife is disabled, medical expenses are exhorbitant, and we need health insurance.

I would like to significantly increase the speed at which I work on my ideas, but I am hampered by the 45ish hours a week I already work. It's a reason not an excuse. I can still output plenty of content, I just wish I had more time to spend working on it.


See what you can delegate out, that might help you with the time issues.

But so far, you look like you are on top of it...I know, we can all use more time for sure LOL

Thanks. I have also considered making my blockchain time in the mornings, and waking up earlier to get things done since my house will be quiet. :)