Consolidating my holdings for my upvote account. I screenshotted the process. Purdy!

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago (edited)

Owning and managing more than one account on Hive can be busy.

That's why I decided to consolidate my holdings across accounts to my @threesteps account. I use this account for my upvoting, and it seems like a shame to have all of those tokens sitting on my personal @robwillmann account not doing anything.

I decided to sell, transfer, or stake what I had. I'll use my @robwillmann account for personal stuff.

Screenshots or it didn't happen. :)

I take screeenshots all the time. Both at work and when I post here. While I went through the process of clearing out lesser known coins, liquidating them and sending the hive.swap over to @threesteps, I make screenshots of the whole process.

Here we go.

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My holdings before the big selloff

I own a couple thousand in INDEX token, so I already moved them over to @threesteps.

As you can see from the screenshot, I have several tokens to go through. Here's my plan:

  • CTPSB - transfer to threesteps since that account earns the most ctp to stake.
  • TIME token - I am keeping Lisa's token with @robwillmann since I earned this from an interview I believe.
  • BRO - selling it.
  • BEE - transferring it.
  • SIM - selling it.
  • SPI keeping it
  • ENGAGE - selling all but 10.
  • CTP - Ahh this is a conundrum and I cover it below.
  • STEM - transferring.
  • LEO - selling it

I went through each one and decided if it was worth having the tokens on my threesteps account for upvote purposes.

And yes, I can use delegations for many of these, I like to keep it simple and just have the tokens on the account where I need them.

Now that I have a plan, here's how it all panned out:

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My CTPSB was transferred to threesteps account.

@achim03 recently changed how he does the payours for ctp token holder. I am moving my ctp over to threesteps as well. One account to rule them all.


47,500 CTP Power under @threesteps just makes sense.

Speaking of CTP tokens, I decided to power down my tokens from @RobWillmann and move them to @threesteps since I am so much more active there.

By my calculations, I should have a decent amount of delegated and owned CTP tokens all on one account once this unstake and transfer goes through. The screenshot above shows that I'll have arouind 47.5K in CTP power shortly. Boom. :)

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I sold my dCity (sim) holdings.

It's not worth much, but it wasn't doing me any good since I don't play dCity. Didn't really make sense for me to hold on to this pittance anyway.

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After all was said and done, what did I do with the Hive?

I managed to work up around 11.2 Hive from misc token swaps, so I bought DEC with it.

Once I have this, I can now transfer it in to Splinterlands, buy some cards, and start renting them out.

That's exactly what I did. :D

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Now at this point I am renting out these two LVL 1 Creeping Ooze cards along with my other rentals.

Since this adds to my value, over time I expect that the SPS airdrops I receive will increase as well.

The multiple ways I can stack and earn on this is satisfying. While I am not 'breaking the bank' here, this post just goes to show the power and freedom you have on the hive blockchain.

Onward and upward, indeed.

What do you do to help increase Hive power?

I use a couple of tribes that I align heavily with (ctp, etc.). I post and earn on my posts, then stake the rewards. Now I am taking my earnings from my posts, converting them to DEC, and purchasing SplinterLands cards that I then rent out. It's a win-win.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you grow your power.

Peace and Love,
