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RE: Choices.

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago

Life has seem to be constantly throwing me monkey wrenches. I used to give up and wait for things to be over, then continue on. I was getting no where. So I changed things.
I have tasks that I want to make sure they get done so I do them every morning. And if I find a morning that I have to do something else (like an appt), I ask myself will I be done by 3? I have one task that is based on UTC time & I'm EST so I set myself the time of 3 o'clock as a days end to make sure I'm done before UTC midnight. This time does give me a 4 hour cushion in case things don't go as planned. Anyways, if I can't complete the task before 3, I do that before I do anything else but, if I know I'll be back before 3, I just wait and it's the first thing I do upon my return. Everything else gets done after that, and if I don't get it all done, I don't worry.

But using this method has helped me a lot and keeps me on track, but I still hate when life throws in the monkey wrenches cause it throws everything off.