Reading about great leaders of the past can be extremely beneficial.
The life stories of great leaders in history are motivational and inspirational. And you can glean insights about leadership in how they led and served.
Here are some examples of great leaders from history.
1. Winston Churchill. The British Prime Minister during World War II, Churchill was known for his commitment to inspire resistance to Nazi Germany. He was able to thrive under difficult conditions and showed great determination and devotion. Many consider Churchill to be the greatest leader of the 20th century.
2. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt was able to overcome polio and paralysis in his legs to become president of the United States four times. Roosevelt successfully led the country through the Great Depression and World War II.
3. Martin Luther King, Jr. Have you ever had a dream to change society? The Rev Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is considered the greatest civil rights leader the U.S. has ever had. Courage, perseverance, preaching and a commitment to non-violence were his trademarks. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
4. Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was able to lead the United States through the Civil War and begin the process of unifying the North and South. Lincoln was known for his humility and determination. Many historians consider Lincoln to be the greatest U.S. president.
5. Mohandas Gandhi. Gandhi was able to push the British out of India without resorting to violence. An ordinary citizen, Gandhi was able to lead a country to demonstrate civil disobedience to a level sufficient to earn India’s freedom from British rule. Gandhi is considered by many to be the greatest leader of all time.
6. Adolph Hitler, Genghis Khan. Not all effective leaders are remembered in a positive light. Hitler and Genghis Khan are two such examples. You might not like what they stood for, but they were effective at leading a large number of people.
Many more leaders from history could be listed.
For example, consider these leaders in politics:
Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar. Aristotle, Napoleon Bonaparte, Queen Victoria, Alexander Hamilton, William Wiberforce, Benjamin Franklin;
And these leaders in religion and human rights:
Jesus of Nazareth, Martin Luther, John Wesley, Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Nelson Mandela;
And these leaders in business:
Andrew Carnegie, P.T. Barnum, John D Rockefeller, Madam C.J. Walker, Henry Ford, Estee Lauder, Steve Jobs
Not all great leaders are great human beings. But all great leaders have the ability to motivate and influence others. There is much to be learned from the great leaders of the past.
Create a habit of reading biographies of great leaders. You will be informed and inspired to be the best leader you can be.
A Great Leader Part 1: Introduction
A Great Leader Part 2: Born or Made?
A Great Leader Part 3: Leverage
A Great Leader Part 4: Qualities
A Great Leader Part 5: Contributions
A Great Leader Part 6: Introvert?
A Great Leader Part 7: Skills
Image at top by Pexels from Pixabay
Image at bottom by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay