A Great Leader Part 5: Contributions

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago


Leadership can be a burden.

But when you realize how much it contributes to others, you’ll be even more motivated to lead.

You see, being a skilled leader doesn’t just benefit you and your employer. Leaders serve and contribute many benefits to their team members.

And as a result of the service and contributions you make to others, you’ll be even more valuable to your company and the greater community

Here are some ways that leaders serve and give to their teams:

1. Leaders take. Ironically, leaders serve and give to their teams when they take responsibilityand accept accountability for things going poorly. Good leaders do not blame others for their ultimate responsibilities.

2. Leaders inspire. An effective leader inspires others to believe they’re capable of great things. Leaders also inspire others to believe in the project and to expect a positive outcome.

3. Leaders envision. When team members are unsure or confused about purpose, objectives and goals, they can get lost. A leader creates a vision and clarity that provides direction and motivation.

4. Leaders support. A good leader gives support, encouragement, authority and the resources needed for teams to succeed and be their best.

5. Leaders challenge. Leaders are good at challenging team members to be bigger and better than they’ve demonstrated in the past. Instilling confidence in their team members’ abilities is another way effective leaders serve and contribute.

6. Leaders decide. Not everyone on a team is capable of, or responsible for, making major decisions. Leaders accept the burden of making the difficult choices.


Understand how much your leadership skills provide to your employer and your team. Effective leaders are highly prized within any organization. When your leadership responsibilities feel burdensome, remember just how important is the service and contributions you are making.

“Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.” - Sam Walton

A Great Leader Part 1: Introduction
A Great Leader Part 2: Born or Made?
A Great Leader Part 3: Leverage
A Great Leader Part 4: Qualities