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RE: CTP Chat For May 19th, 2021

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

To be very honest I did not think it was a sustainable model until I started pricing what I had, then after watching some youtube videos I went to a thrift store and actually found 10 items, that had a possible $10 profit margin. That motivated me. Just like when I posted my first article in CTPTalk and received almost 22 CTP tokens. Yes it is hands on but nothing like owning a physical store.
Funny thing is I am trying to sell you on reselling when the fact remains with out people like you that just wants it gone I could not be a reseller lol 😂


That's pretty funny, Chris! We are providing people like you with stuff to resell. And I do understand that it can be profitable. But I literally want to do my business completely at home. Which means not schlepping to resale shops to poke around. Not really my thing. Which is why I am very interested in drop shipping. I know that it can be harder in some ways but to me not as hard as driving around and going to rummage sales and resale shops. 😀

Made in Canva


Dropshipping is not in my business model so I can't say a lot except for the following: there are a lot of people having great success with dropshipping. It is very hard to do on eBay however because most customers want their product asap, and dropshipping normally ads about 10 days to delivery schedule. There is a person on Youtube called Wholesale Ted, she talks a lot about success with dropshipping 😀

I understand that, Chris! I am a spoiled rotten Amazon Prime Shopper so I know about the whole instant or almost instant gratification of having your item in 2 days or less. LOL! I just ordered a toy for my great nephew's birthday that is coming up at the end of this next week. With Amazon prime it will be delivered to their house tomorrow. SCORE! I am subscribed to Wholesale Ted's channel! She has some pretty cool and interesting videos. Thanks for the tip! Great minds! Enjoy your Sunday! 😀

Made in Canva


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