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RE: CTP Chat For May 19th, 2021

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

What I do...And what I should be doing are 2 different things LOL

So the night before, I usually write down the 3 things I want to accomplish the next day.

And the goal is to work on the first one as soon as I get up.

But what ends up happening....Is ending up in my inbox or on social media LOL

Self-discipline is a must for me :)


I used to pin my goals next to my bed so it was the first thing I see in the morning. There are so many things vying for attention, just needed a daily reminder of what to focus on.

Tick Journaling has really helped me in being a more organized professional, but there are still things that spill over to the next day. As I see it we are all gardeners and our businesses are the gardens we tend. It takes time and diligence :-)

What is Tick Journaling?

Funny that I Presearch it to give you a proper answer and look what was one of the results:

Presearch knows you @jongolson!

Now I finally understand why I want to check and respond to my articles' received comments daily if not twice daily. Thank you 😀

Ha ha ha ha too funny!

An oldie but goodie....

I first started using tick journaling back in 1989, because that is the way the military taught us to handle our tasks. It was not called tick journaling back then. In fact we had multiple log books we found that it simplified things by making a list with times and dates tasks and the deadline with a box to check or X, and then a line for our signature since more than one person handled the log books.
As a civilian I do it on a calendar so for example today in my calendar is a page broken down into hours with my tasks that absolutely need to be done first occupying the first hours of my day and a box for me to tick when I have completed the task.

Another good reason to have a journal.
To stay on task

You hit the nail on the head Tom :-)

That is why I do my best to avoid social media, and my inbox until the afternoon but then I run into the problem that I am not engaging enough on social media and sometimes I have people ask hey did you get that email, and to my embarrassment it has been 3 days since I checked my inbox oops :-)