Happy Birthday INDEX

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago


Yesterday I was hanging out in the CTP Telegram and got a quick message from @elianaicgomes

She reminded me that November 30th, 2020 was exactly a year ago....

November 30th...Hmm, it wasn't ringing a bell.

Curious as to why this date was important, she quickly suggested I go read the 'Facebook Memory' she had shared on Zuck's platform:



That was the graphic that was the memory and there it was....

Exactly a year ago, yesterday, we launched the INDEX Token.

Inspired by the ever popular BRO token by @brofund this was our version of an income generating token on Hive Engine.

The concept was pretty simple really, create a token that captured the most popular tokens and projects on Hive Engine and reward token holders every single day.

It's been...An insane 12 months!

One of the biggest tokens we focused on, mainly because it had the most volume on INDEX over the past year was...A little token called DEC.

You may have heard of it....

Because DEC could not be staked or rewarded for curating, people told us DEC was useless for a project like INDEX.

We had the day trading experts tell us, DEC should be the last thing we buy for the INDEX but we maintained...It was the number one token by volume on Hive Engine so....We're going to buy it!

Fast forward, and INDEX is now a pretty big holder of not only DEC but also SPS. Yeah, that was a win!!

But here's what we are blown away with....The amount of tokens that holders have been receiving;

  • Over 2800 LEO has been rewarded to holders....

  • Almost 2.5 million SIM......

  • 776 Swap.Hive....

  • 23000 DEC which is from the 6 Gold Foil Legendary cards that INDEX owns and rents out daily...

  • And 1500 VOUCHER tokens!

That's just the highlights but we've given out so much more....All from just holding INDEX.

No staking required ;)

Heck, we've even built a Splinterlands Guild, complete with it's own gaming jerseys for INDEX with dreams of player staking in the future.

Untitled design.png

Yeah we're pretty excited about the future :)

And we follow a pretty simple model with INDEX, and it's what we follow here on Hive. Buy and hold! We don't play the market, we don't try to time it...We just buy and hold!

I know it's not the sexiest token out there. There are plenty of amazing projects that people seem to drool over and rightfully so, but we're happy with INDEX!!

We hope the holders are too, and as the second round of VOUCHER air drops are beginning in less than a week, we still think INDEX is the best kept secret on Hive.

But then again....I'm very biased lol

Thank you to every single INDEX holder that has believed in this project, we appreciate your vision and support :)


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This is a good project, congratulations for the achievement and some yet to come in the future.

Thanks very much, appreciated!

You are welcome

Happy birthday Index token, it's been a good year and I think the next year is going to be even better.

Just getting started :)

I'll also support your INDEX to buy some and hold too and see what the future holds for us to have

Hope you enjoy it, it's a long term hold for sure!

I would sure hold it for long and wait for it to increase though,thanks for sharing it.

Really a good decision to buy some more INDEX token.

Is that where those VOUCHER tokens came from? That's rad! Thanks for the heads up, and congrats on the anniversary. 🎂

Yessir! VOUCHER drops are starting up again on the 8th :)

Awesome. Last time I got very good number of vouchers. Excited for upcoming drop

You know what be cool? If we can customize the token payouts, to get our rewards paid in the tokens we want (choosing from the available coins)

Also, HBD 🥳 (happy birthday, not hive backed dollar)

Oh man, that would be something...Way above my pay grade though, I'd have to check with the brains to see if that could happen.

Happy Birthday! I'm very glad I finally heeded your prodding and bought in right before the price shot up and the Vouchers started. It's been a very good token to own and I think it will continue to be that way for a long time. At some point, this fund will be able to take some pretty big swings at some other investments as well, but at this point, why? You can't really ask for much better returns than you're getting from the Splinterlands holdings.

Keep up the great work! There's a reason you are one of the coming NFT pictures....and it ain't the hat. :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, there is so much we can do once player staking comes into play. That's the goal to help INDEX grow right along side SPS

I think INDEX has done plenty in the time it was active. At least I would have to say it did give me quite a supply of VOUCHERS and I would not be surprised if it paid off for all the INDEX tokens I bought.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's awesome to hear man, so happy that it's paying off!

Makes me wish I bought even more Index! Happy 1 year

Thanks man, yeah with the price of them now, it's pretty crazy.

Congrats on the achievement on the blockchain so far.

So far, key words. We're not done yet :)

I also did not understand DEC buying by Index, but just purchased a little Index as I am big fan of CTP. Anyway INDEX really look a solid choice (r1s2g3)
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Appreciate the support and thanks very much for the vote! Glad to always have you on board @r1s2g3

It's fantastic. Congratulations on the wonderful growth and achievements

Thank you sir, much appreciated!

I love buying the tokens earningthe passive income from all the projects you invest in. Oh and the cards. It has grown so much in a year.

Congratulations! INDEX is an excellent project, and I'm glad to see how it has just steadily gained ground over time... and all the "drips" of other tokens is really cool, as well. Don't own a lot of INDEX tokens, but happy to have the small stake I do, and keep adding bits and pieces here and there, when I can.

Here's to another great year ahead!

Thanks so much for the support!!!

It's unbelievable how time flies by :-). Nice to see how this project evolved to become a kind of hive-engine hedge fund that combines curation rewards, mining rewards, rental rewards, airdrop rewards... Hope I will get one of these jerseys too;-)

it's been a ton of fun so far, Eliana did a fantastic job of creating the jerseys too!

Index was one of the most exciting innovations last year.

We're biased but yeah, we think so :)

One of my favorite holdings! Happy birthday INDEX!

Appreciate you man!

Happy Birthday to INDEX. It is a great passive income token. It was cutting edge by focusing on the major tokens on Hive Engine. Congratulations. Here is to many, many more years.

Yeah and we're still adding more, slowly but surely it's coming together!

Happy birthday!!!! This token rocks.

Thanks man, appreciate all the support!

Jaw-dropping this token is a big win like it or not.
in fact, I guess I am going to buy some right now.
I can't believe am actually losing out of am airdrop right now 🏃🏃🏃

New VOUCHEr air drop starts on less then a week, should be fun!

Great 🤩🤩
Am in

Happy birthday! 🎁

Thanks :)

Congratulations to the CTP for the INDEX project. Gladly filling my INDEX bags and I hope to receive some more airdrops

Brilliant @jongolson
Happy First Birthday to Index😉
Great job mate well done