
Thanks for the mention. I was not expecting to be hi lighted. It was an inspiring round table. I have already started revising my goals. In the end your graph is right.
It is time for a change.
Thanks for letting me vent .

Cool story. Thanks for sharing. Both of you!


Am happy am Reading this,change can not be overemphasized, because it is part of human,
Choice is also another important factor the choice you make today may determine your future,so think of the choice you are making ,like my grandfather will say,do not say yes when you mean to say no ,
Thanks for sharing friend

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That simple diagram pretty much sums up life. Nothing really matters unless you're happy and doing things for you that you enjoy. Besides that nothing else really matters. Continue to progress on that road of success and enjoy every moment you have as you only get one life to do it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Was a great live stream and good to see the CTP gang together!

Good advice to try and implement changes. We are in the driving seat of our own happiness.

Great discussion. Our life consists of the choices we make and the action we take regarding those choices. I think what makes it hard is that the really life changing choices take us out of our comfort zone. This complicated the situation even more for most people 1) not embracing change 2) out of the comfort zone. Most people can handle one of these but not both at one time thus they stay where they are. Take care.


Tom - @alente - is definitely one of those cool cats, I resonate with. From the first time I communicated with him on Telegram right up to our HIVE interactions and I knew the guy was hustlin' hard with an off-chain job and grindin' in; whatever valuable minutes or hours he can squeeze in to keep his activity on-chain consistent. Boy, can I relate.

Jon - @jongolson - a great post and one that definitely keeps everything in perspective. At the end of the day, if we are not happy with our choices; we have to make moves and if we are happy, stay the course; although it may be a longer journey.


That was fun last night! I always enjoy our talks in the CTP community. It's great and scary to have choices and be responsible for our outcomes and results.

Life has seem to be constantly throwing me monkey wrenches. I used to give up and wait for things to be over, then continue on. I was getting no where. So I changed things.
I have tasks that I want to make sure they get done so I do them every morning. And if I find a morning that I have to do something else (like an appt), I ask myself will I be done by 3? I have one task that is based on UTC time & I'm EST so I set myself the time of 3 o'clock as a days end to make sure I'm done before UTC midnight. This time does give me a 4 hour cushion in case things don't go as planned. Anyways, if I can't complete the task before 3, I do that before I do anything else but, if I know I'll be back before 3, I just wait and it's the first thing I do upon my return. Everything else gets done after that, and if I don't get it all done, I don't worry.

But using this method has helped me a lot and keeps me on track, but I still hate when life throws in the monkey wrenches cause it throws everything off.


Awesome post, Jon. The round table Thursday night was awesome as well.
I like how you parallel choice with success.
As far as to change, this has been a big issue for me. After coming back online in January I have had a significant amount of change. I never wrote a word of content before that and now it is an everyday thing.
Gotta keep making good choices.

Change is one that most people shy away from because it means "work." I like the illustration and the name you've given it - "The Secret For Embracing Change" :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Choices shape the direction of your life. Knowing that you're responsible can be scary and liberating, what if I mess it all up? What If I can't live up to my potential? There's an element of risk because nothing is actually guaranteed. We often make wrong choices but the trick is to keep moving forward, never stopping on the way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Another great article, @jongolson! A message we all need to hear.
Change in and of itself is a double-edged sword. Plenty of businesses have gone bankrupt embracing change. Plenty of other businesses have gone bankrupt because they did not change. The key here is to figure out which path your business needs to take. And at the same time figure out which path is the best for you personally.
And do not expect either decision to be an easy one!

Even when the answer of some people might be "NO" can they still muster that courage to go about the change they'll need? It's the big question, the first leap can be audacious.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Me not being in 1st world think that not every decision we make is going to work for me, because in 2nd and 3rd world decisions of others and the livelihoods are affected by each others presence. But point is well taken, you have to understand the choices that we have to make in our life. That's what changes the future of our own. Sometimes we have to own our choices and sometimes it's not going to change much because other peoples choices affect ours.

Oh, this is a great post about choice and responsibility. Too bad it's not easy to break through people's minds. Many will just read it and say: that's it. And turn on the netflix.) But you gave them a chance not to pass it by! Thanks for sharing!

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Great post, Jon.

Your flow chart is missing a line though, i think. Needs a line back to the initial question from "change something" creating a loop to constantly evaluate how you're doing.


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Will watch this next week, too busy these days still. But I totally agree, we weren't happy in Hungary and decided to make a change.. It was a big thing but we're so unbelievably happy that we took the step and it's noticeable in all of us that we feel better here.

Change is not always as hard as you think it will be.

Wise words you shared here, change being the only thing that is permanent in life and the need to be dynamic. Also being responsible and making the right choices to bring a change.


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wow !
great blog !
I really enjoyed it!😍

Did anyone hear the rumor about butter?
Don’t worry I won’t spread it.

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