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RE: CTP Chat For May 19th, 2021

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Ok Team. @jongolson suggested I posted the LCP I'm hoping to get up and running in the next few days. I want to increase my branding but as a CTP member. Up to this point, it's been mostly giving away free advertising which works very well. I still am going to include that in my promotions.

Anyway, these are just early stage things that I used CANVA and linked to my hosting account.


I'm hoping to have the splash lead to a lead capture page with that video. Obviously, I have to major tweak some stuff; but wanted you guys to see where I'm heading with it and if you guys have any tips.

Remember it's not cohesive at the moment and still a disjointed message, but the splash of course would lead to the LCP that will include to the video. Just hoping I'm heading in the right direction or just scrap it?


This is. Brilliant!!!

That video would have me signing up in a heart beat. Great stuff bro. Seriously top shelf stuff !

The video is so good that I would sing up again 🤣
So you will be split testing the splash with video and just the video LCP?
Maybe another one with that splash turned into an LCP?
Some people still grunt about videos unfortunately and that splash could work as well as an LCP just by taking off that click here button and add the form below.
I love either though!