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RE: CTP Chat For May 7th, 2021

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Since I am recently retired, "funding" is my biggest obstacle. I am hoping that the Hive Blockchain will help with that aspect so that I can upgrade instead of taking the slower "free" path. I am find with taking the slower path but some times it just gets frustrating.


Yes I also struggle with that. Right now I am probably a little over extended with payments I need to make.
It is a hard choice but I think I am going to back off on some of it.
Especially because I want to keep myself upgraded at Click Track Profit.
I am getting some better results with my mailings so I will have to back off in some of the sites I am working with.
It is hard to know until I try them out first

Slow and study wins the race. Just make sure to figure out what you do need and cut some of the costs. Just make sure to have a little bit go into your savings so you can compound them. If you can save $100 a month and let it compound, then you will have an extra source of income when you really need the money.

Funding was one of the biggest obstacles when I first started out. I ended up scraping for pennies, cutting out pizza night, using the cheapest phone available, and anything else I could do to have what little funding I needed (Like $100 a month) to get my business started. We all have our own obstacles and have to figure out workarounds for everything.

The great thing about this blockchain is that with a little bit of effort making posts, comments, and curating, we can start to earn from almost nothing!

Thanks blain, this is good to know. I am trying to fully engage on this blockchain. There is just so much here that it blows my mind. I just need to pace myself and focus on what I need to accomplish. thanks again.

That's the best thing about this blockchain...People will support your journey.

So you are in the right place for sure...It'll help you get to that next level for sure :)