Another awesome day on the 'Chat!
And today's question....
"What do you want to do to improve your business, but are unable to and why?"
Answer this or anything you have a question about when it comes to building an online business!
We look forward, as a community, to help you grow and succeed!
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"What do you want to do to improve your business, but are unable to and why?"
Consistency is always a thing for me but then there are other areas and they all kinda go together. engagement, scheduling, commenting, posting, goal setting, educating & learning to use things on the blockchain, and having time to do it all.
The consistency is the hardest because of other areas, like posting ... It takes me too long to create a post that it often eats up my time. I have been working on this by taking on one new activity at a time like I've been doing my token goals every week with pretty much the same routine.
The engagement along with the commenting is also time consuming. I try daily to read a few post and comment but with my reading issues it often gets hard and my eyes get tired and sometimes I have to stop for hours at a time.
Educating & learning to use things here on hive is crucial to my business, especially now that I have started my own community, that involves reading a lot which goes back to my eye problems.
Goal setting and scheduling I believe goes hand-n-hand. I have many goals other then my token goals and I need to get them written down in one place/together and it would be possible for me to make and adhere to a schedule. This is hard cause I tend to have to do what my eyes will allow as oppose to just getting things done like I would like to.
I hate that it seems that as I get older it seems like I'm slowing down in many areas which causes me to spend more time on a task then I think it should take me, so in the long run it seems like I'm not getting enough done each day. I know I have the same amount of time as others do but others seem to get so much more done in one day then I can even imagine me doing.
I've been at this for almost 2 years now and I hope that in the next year I can become more productive with a schedule and get more done in the time I have.
I hear you!
Consistency is so easy to 'say' and much harder to follow through!
Me myself, I feel SUPER guilty when I don't get a post out...Like today...LOL
So it's good to kick myself in the butt and put in the work...Showing up everyday, builds the habits.
But again, easier said than done.
Hello, my awesome people welcome to another chat!!
Y'all are not so awesome because you all slacked yesterday!!
This is not a chat to add a few comments 2 times a week, is to show up every day and engage with other people!
I know that would be nice in person with a few cocktails and finger food but would be very difficult to find a neutral place for all of us since we are scattered in the world so for now this is the best place!
Grab your favorite beverage and join the fun!
Here are yesterday's stats:
** 66 Comments and 136 CTP Tokens were distributed**
Way low than the other days but you can always check yesterday's question and still add your opinion there if you want!
Let's go CTPeeps!!
It took me a little to figure it out how this worked, got it now. Tuesday was a bad day for me, spent most of the day in the ER. After we got home we got hit with a tornado that cause lots of damage in my town. We have finally got power back and thank God, I didn't suffer any damage. This little sucker, jump all over the place and cause lots of down trees, power lines and a few buildings here and there. Many roads were closed due to down trees. Power is back and we are all good.
Glad you're back and safe! Yeah sometimes life like to give us tricks lol
I know you were absent because of that and seeing you replying it's a good sign!
I just like to bug people! Make them push more for being better at this!
Mother skills I guess lol
Hope to see you around more often :)
I was guilty yesterday and did not engage. I barely had enough time for LEO so I think my comments today make up for it.
As for the question, I generally don't feel it fits me since I am not running a business and I guess HIVE and my block chain stuff is a hobby or commitment for the future.
Guilty myself...Had a gong show of a day today, won't even have time to write a post...So I'm going to reply to people here :)
That GIF is annoying
This comment is the epitome of unnecessary.
So is your response
Since I am recently retired, "funding" is my biggest obstacle. I am hoping that the Hive Blockchain will help with that aspect so that I can upgrade instead of taking the slower "free" path. I am find with taking the slower path but some times it just gets frustrating.
Yes I also struggle with that. Right now I am probably a little over extended with payments I need to make.
It is a hard choice but I think I am going to back off on some of it.
Especially because I want to keep myself upgraded at Click Track Profit.
I am getting some better results with my mailings so I will have to back off in some of the sites I am working with.
It is hard to know until I try them out first
Slow and study wins the race. Just make sure to figure out what you do need and cut some of the costs. Just make sure to have a little bit go into your savings so you can compound them. If you can save $100 a month and let it compound, then you will have an extra source of income when you really need the money.
Funding was one of the biggest obstacles when I first started out. I ended up scraping for pennies, cutting out pizza night, using the cheapest phone available, and anything else I could do to have what little funding I needed (Like $100 a month) to get my business started. We all have our own obstacles and have to figure out workarounds for everything.
The great thing about this blockchain is that with a little bit of effort making posts, comments, and curating, we can start to earn from almost nothing!
Thanks blain, this is good to know. I am trying to fully engage on this blockchain. There is just so much here that it blows my mind. I just need to pace myself and focus on what I need to accomplish. thanks again.
That's the best thing about this blockchain...People will support your journey.
So you are in the right place for sure...It'll help you get to that next level for sure :)
"What do you want to do to improve your business, but are unable to and why?"
For me, it's always a time issue. What I want to do to improve my business is get to the point where I can make the transition from working a corporate job full time to working for myself full time. I am unable to because my wife is disabled, medical expenses are exhorbitant, and we need health insurance.
I would like to significantly increase the speed at which I work on my ideas, but I am hampered by the 45ish hours a week I already work. It's a reason not an excuse. I can still output plenty of content, I just wish I had more time to spend working on it.
See what you can delegate out, that might help you with the time issues.
But so far, you look like you are on top of it...I know, we can all use more time for sure LOL
Thanks. I have also considered making my blockchain time in the mornings, and waking up earlier to get things done since my house will be quiet. :)
I am mostly involved in the hive blockchain when it comes o the online business.
I am trying to involve more and more with the communities but time is the constrain and I am lacking in time management.... hope will be able to improve....
Time management is not my forte either lol
But what I try to do is write 3 simple tasks and try at least to finish these on the day. The rest is "profit" lol
So maybe have one day for one community and another day for a different community and so on for example.
For myself, I actually took the step that I needed to begin improving my online business goals. Upgrading at CTP, was because I knew that I needed to tap into more of the human element of the business. It was awesome to see my downlines and lists grow, but I needed to be more connected to the subscriber and less about the numbers. I saw that CTP would help with that next step for me.
Awesome to hear it man, it's been amazing to have you onboard too!
Such a valuable part of this community!
Thank You 🙏🏼 sir
I have a question .
How often do you guys change your subject headings and email content for your mailings at sites like List Nerds?
I try to do that weekly. I have the Business upgrade on ListNerds so I can schedule the emails to send all week and then check the stats. Either tweak the subject line or even change the timing and dates. So I can see which one works better and can use it on my mailing list.
Thanks you
That is what I am doing also. my new LCP is doing good so I will leave it for now
I monitor it weekly, and if I see trends where I'm getting zero clicks and super low engagement...I'll change it up.
Thanks Jon. I am paying more attention now
I would like to be more organized and disciplined.
Doing the Plus 1 success thirty day challenge has helped a whole bunch.
Plus I need more time to keep up the way I would like.
Awesome to have you on board the challenge!
Glad you enjoyed it :)
Thanks Jon
I want to be able to fund my ctp website so that I can learn more about it.
That's a good option for some short term income from crypto :)
How to inspire a free tire kicker to take action?
TL;DR Change your mindset
By referring to people as "tire kickers" that literally tells everyone across the blockchain and anyone you have interacted with that you do not care about people. It shows that you are more interested in how much someone is willing to spend. It shows that you are not building relationships or trust.
People are more than willing to take action and even gasp spend money, when they feel that the person they are spending money with gives a crap about them. As an affiliate, we refer people to products and services. If someone doesn't feel the product or service fits their needs, there is high chance that they won't buy it.
If your first interaction with someone is "How much money are you willing to spend?" It only tells them that you are there for one purpose and one purpose only, to get their money.
If your product or service is nothing more than "Spend $10k and you will be set for life", the odds that someone will purchase it are very very slim. Especially when people know that you are not set for life. You are only representing a dream in which you do not currently have.
I could go on and on about this topic, but at the end of the day, people take action and purchase only when they feel that the seller has their best interest at heart. By calling them "free tire kickers" almost nobody will buy anything from you.
Lead by example, every step of the way.
That being said...Most will never dive in full steam ahead...So you have to work with and focus on those that do :)
Where are all these different token coming from? Some of them I understand because I use their tag but others are a mystery to me.
I believe you probably got them from commenting on various people's posts and having them upvoted. Each tribe has a different percentage but you can just treat them as some extra income. I would suggest you figure out if any of those communities are what you want to participate in or not. I tend to just stake them anyways to reward people I vote on if I am not using it for BroFi.
That's Hive's magic! lol
When you curate/upvote a post that has the tags of some of those tokens, as a curator you get a percentage of them too besides hive tokens :)
That is so cool!
Like Eliana said...
It's the magic that is Hive :)
I want to be a master at different things. What I have learned one step at a time and I will be a master of each thing
Exactly...Focus on what you love to do, and ignore the rest!
For me this is an easy question, I would like to scale up my reseller business to about $20,000 monthly. For my current product base in order to accomplish this I need a bigger facility. This will result in a significant investment in Real Estate unless I opt to lease but then there is no equity build up.
Currently this is completely un-doable. I do have a 5 year plan in place to accomplish this and currently we are almost half way through year 2. The hardest part is not making and stashing extra money every month, but rather staying on task and focused. The capital is starting to build and this is the dangerous spot because we both know it is ear marked for real estate.
This is the real kick in the pants the higher the balance, the greater the temptation to invest it in other things, and the way the tempting thoughts try to rationalize using the money for other things. Wow it is easy to understand why so many huge books have dedicated their subject matter to temptation 😀
That is one thing I need to do is make my goals clearer not only for 5 years but also for 1 month,1 year and so on
Tom I was thinking the same thing
Make daily weekly monthly yearly goals
Yes do it and let me know when you are done and I will do the same.
Kind of a little challenge.
I think this trips up a lot of people. Everyone can say I want to make an extra $300 a week. Very few people actually know how to break that down into a step by step plan to achieve the written goal.
Having a business plan is so crucial but hardly ever talked about. It was a business plan that actually save us. It's also important to know that its a moving plan and needs to be reviewed and updated constantly.
I am so surprised at people when they are pitching me and I say that does not fit my Business Plan, and they rebut why not? Then I ask do you have a business plan? When they answer that the company they rep has a marketing plan, I say you do not have a business plan for your business? At this point they either lie and say yes or try to reinforce that the company they rep will take care of all that making them an employee not an entrepreneur, which is very sad if you think them being trapped in an employee state of mind.
I think what you said is so important....5 year plan, you are half way through year 2.
People in business always try to jump those crucial years of building and it hurts in the long run.
Great comment and I think you are on the right track!
Thank you so much for saying so, your support and acknowledgment is very much appreciated :-) It is not clear to me how a person can expect to accomplish anything without it being properly planned out. Have you heard of the "7 P's" ? (Prior Proper Planning Prevents P**s Poor Performance)
ha ha ha ha that's great, nah haven't heard that but I'm writing it down LOL
That is awesome 😀 Sharing a success acronym with you that is new to you is like winning a prize 😃
I think a big issue for me is figuring out what my vital functions are. I know writing isn't one of them. 🤣 Part of the problem is not having the patience to sit still and figure it out.
Did you ever do the 'Guinea Pig' challenge?
That might help find the vital functions.
What is the Guinea pig challenge?
I'll send you a link in Telegram.
Thank you I will look for it
!ENGAGE 10@jongolson I started it at one point but I don't think I got all the way through it. Time to do it all the way through. Thanks for that. I just downloaded it from the CTP telegram group. 😀
Made in Canva
today.If I wanted to check my HIVE balance, where would I go to check?
In your wallet
I'm logged in to Hive Engine and went to my wallet. HIVE is not listed. Am I in the work place?
For Hive you need to check in the other frontends like and Peakd. CTPTalk shows your hive as well though is more to manage CTP tokens
Thank you for the help. Someday I will get all this
Check you CTP Talk wallet
"What do you want to do to improve your business, but are unable to and why?" That is a great question and I am not sure how to answer it. I am looking forward to see what others have to say.
Gosh HIVE causing me headache with it's multiple keys or passwords or what else... and I always get confuse with all that. Hope as time goes on it will become clearer how to even log in easily without being rejected over and over and over
I hear is not easy when we start. If it makes you feel better, things were a lot more difficult a few years ago. Some people had to wait almost a month just to get an account and those keys lol
This is the best place to ask questions so please do so :)
There is also a video training guide that you can check and it's free:
Hi Eliana..this hiveguide do I have to register account or is it same as hivesigner login?
This one is outside Hive, was created by Jon and Blain so it's just a normal account
Great question hmm I really need to think about this question as of right now I can't think of anything
Thank you so much for new chat version help for many casis