Dear @ph1102
Interesting and quite unique choice of topic.
Just like @gadrian asked: "How about both? :)"
I trully cannot figure out what I would like more today. Perhaps I would choose MONEY since I found it easier to build knowledge (having money) than to build wealth (having knowledge, but no money)
Enjoy your weekend, upvote on the way :)
Yours, Piotr
This is an interesting answer... I mean, it was a kind of "trick" question, but you are very much in right... It's almost impossible to succeed ONLY with knowledge, but on the other side, if you have a lot of money and don't know how to handle it, the bankruptcy is very near... and we saw both things a lot of time...
So, the best answer will be the both... if it is possible :)
Thanks for passing by!
Thanks for being so responsive @ph1102 :)