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RE: A Few Tips To Help You #ThriveOnHive

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

I highly recommend the book Writing Down the Bones. It's a book about connecting with the writer that's in all of us. None of us are not writers. I seriously can't recommend this book enough. Along the same lines, the book Big Magic is absolutely amazing, too! Recommend these books for everyone here on PeakD to allow your innate creativity to flow.


Ahhhh very nice, love the book recommendations, thank you!


I cannot recommend them enough they are FABULOUS. I read Writing Down the Bones first and it completely changed the way I think about writing. She talks about what she calls "First thoughts" which still impacts me! It's about how sometimes you have this whole burst of thought inspiration and you think "oh I'll work this all out in my mind first and then write it down. But ❌ those "First thoughts" are where all the flavor and passion are, and if you wait, it's gone and flat. For me that carries over into so much more than writing, as all of the book did! Big Magic is written by a woman whose whole life has been about writing.