My biggest win first, are the people I have met and became online friends. They are there for you thick and thin. They do everything in their power to help and get you into the right direction and we have to create a thick skin be able to accept criticism and take offense to it. This is difficult sometimes to do and we find ourselves bowing up.
My online business is successful and has created a decent income and pays for itself. What I had to learn is to have a plan and then work the plan. It's an ongoing document that you have to review and change consistently. We also need to hold ourselves accountable. I'm in some awesome groups that help with that.
My recent health issues has caused me to not be online everyday and checking on things. To my surprise the business keeps on going by itself. That alone is a big accomplishment.
That's the best thing about this stuff....If we set it up properly, it can operate without much management from our efforts. True passive income :)
That is nice to know.
That there is alight at the end of the tunnel.
Very inspiring post
That was cool to read!
Community and passive income are the best business goals to have and reach!
Thank you for sharing Michael!