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RE: CTP Chat For May 7th, 2021

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

It took me a little to figure it out how this worked, got it now. Tuesday was a bad day for me, spent most of the day in the ER. After we got home we got hit with a tornado that cause lots of damage in my town. We have finally got power back and thank God, I didn't suffer any damage. This little sucker, jump all over the place and cause lots of down trees, power lines and a few buildings here and there. Many roads were closed due to down trees. Power is back and we are all good.


Glad you're back and safe! Yeah sometimes life like to give us tricks lol
I know you were absent because of that and seeing you replying it's a good sign!
I just like to bug people! Make them push more for being better at this!
Mother skills I guess lol
Hope to see you around more often :)