Thanks a lot for your comment and this is something I was thinking about a lot and I believe that I've come up with a solution. In the long term the idea is that the market sets the price by itself, close to the market value. Some owners will be willing to part with the token at a lower price, some will be willing to pay more than the token value for the token. I believe this is how it should be.
At the beginning, the market will probably have very little liquidity. For this situation my idea is to have quite a static market maker. Within a week the value of the token will not evolve more than 1%. Every week it will put a certain amount of buy and sell orders on the market. These orders will be centered around the theoretical token value. There will be a small spread between buy and sell so that the market maker can grow together with the token.
Let's say the token value is 2 Hive. The market maker will put a certain amount of buy orders at something like 1.98 Hive and some sell orders at 2.02 Hive.
The idea is to provide these orders on a regular basis so that people who want to buy or sell the token close to its value will have a counterpart on the market. Once these orders are executed, the market is free again until the following week.
Hope this makes sense :-)
Ah, ok, that makes more sense that what I initially thought you meant when I read the post.