The Universe Knows What You Want. Do You?

in Law Of Attraction5 years ago

Every time your life experience causes a desire to emerge from within you, the Universe acknowledges that desire and rushes forth energies to give shape to that desire.

In the very same moment that you give birth to a desire, the Universe makes it real in vibrational form.

If you desire something, it means that it is real in vibration. That’s how the Universe rolls.

A part of you, that larger part of you that has existed before you were born and will exist after “you” die, is living (and enjoying) your desires RIGHT NOW. It has become one with your desires and knows no lack in this moment.

That part of you is flying high in this moment. Are you?

When I visualize, meditate or repeat positive affirmations to myself, I do not do it so that the Universe can hear me and know what I want.

I do it so that I can move closer VIBRATIONALLY to that larger part of me, my INNER BEING, that is already living the manifestation of all of my desires.

I just want to get in on the action too!

A person can live their entire life thinking in terms of lack, scarcity, deprivation and bondage, while their Inner Being lives in the actualization of all that they have ever wanted.

Whatever you and I may be thinking, and however those thoughts may be grounded in “truth” and “fact”, the only relevant thing to know is that those thoughts are a filter through which we allow or disallow the abundance of the Universe.

Ask and it is given ain’t no joke, son!

But, and it’s a huge BUT, you have to be able to move your thoughts closer to those of your Inner Being, closer to your heart’s TRUTH.

You are two entities. One sees a larger perspective and feels amazing because it understands that every request made of the Universe is instantly answered, and given. The other hides behind a mountain of limiting beliefs and feel-bad thoughts, asking but never receiving.

The first entity gives hints, tries to guide and endlessly loves the second one, but the second one can’t hear the guidance or feel its love - because of the thoughts that it is thinking.

If it feels bad, you are thinking thoughts that are limiting you. PERIOD.

Do you know what you want? Can you feel what it would be like if it was actually here, in this very moment.

If you can get to that feeling, and maintain it for a while, those two entities will become one, and then you’ll have everything you ever wanted.

“To be conscious of being poor while praying for riches is to be rewarded with that which you are conscious of being, namely, poverty. Prayers to be successful must be claimed and appropriated. Assume the positive consciousness of the thing desired.”
― Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune

 5 years ago