I will begin, RIGHT NOW, to tell a NEW STORY of my life. I will stop rehashing my history, explaining how I got here and I will focus on where I am going.
TODAY I have a clean slate, the ability to start anew and fresh. My life can be whatever I want it to be. All it takes is a thought in the right direction and I'm off.
I get to choose the state of my finances, the weight and look of my body, the characteristics of the people that surround me and, most of all, I get to choose how I FEEL.
I get to tell MY STORY, down to the very minute detail.
Life is supposed to go the way you want it to. I will no longer fret and worry about the way things are going, nor will I attempt to control people or circumstance. I will set a TONE for my NEW STORY and it will be a HAPPY ONE. That's all it takes - start with a feeling and go from there.
I can do that, I know I can. All it takes is a little trust, a little faith, and when things get rolling, the ride will be an exhilarating thing to behold.
There are OLD STORIES playing out in my head right now, and that's okay. I can tell by the way I feel if those stories are beneficial or not and I can choose to change them like that (snaps his fingers in the air). I can change them. I know I can. And I can take my time. Life is not a race.
It's all about the RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. And right here, right now, I get to tell any story that I want to.