Yesterday when I was tidying the garden behind the house, a neighbor came over and gave me this plant.
At first I didn't know what this plant was, and after I found out it turned out that this plant is one of the plants belonging to the "Aureoreticulata" family and its name is Krokot Batang Merah (In Indonesian) or known to the world as "Iresine Herbstii Aureoreticulata".
Because I was still curious, the next day I met a neighbor who gave this plant to me and I saw so many of the same plants growing behind his house, after meeting I asked what the benefits of this plant were and then he immediately told me about the benefits.
From what he said, I can only remember some of the benefits that are often used in everyday life in the general public, for example, such as:
- High nutrition
- Supports child development
- Prevent cancer
- Improve eye health
And there are many other benefits that are presented, it's just that I don't remember all of them.
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