Hive Stock Images - Metaphysical Monday

in Stock Images4 years ago






Nothing too major or mind blowing here. Just a few shots of some metaphysical chakra pendants and a cool looking pyramid filled with quartz and what looks like copper shavings. My wife has been buying gemstones and minerals on Facebook Auctions from her favorite gem store back home. Well, one province over, but as a Canadian that lived in Saskatchewan, one province of travel to get to your favorite store is common. Check out more of my wife's purchases here!

I realize now these photos could have better placement to leave space for blogposts. I will get these pieces together along with some other gemstones to do another Metaphysical Monday next week.


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More art on DeviantArt at: Ice-O-Lated
Hive Divider provided by @thepeakstudio



Excellent, I love this type of accessories and the pictures you have taken is the best. I congratulate you for the great work you do, really. I look forward to seeing more of your photographs here again, a delight. Greetings and blessings always.