Stock Images Focal Point - A Collection of Hive Stock Image Highlights #48

in Stock Images4 years ago
Authored by @crosheille


The purpose of the Stock Images community is to bring the option for using stock images into the Hive community, where we can easily reward and support the creators of these images. Instead of using outside sources you can tag, credit and reward your fellow Hivians for their talented work of art right here on the blockchain.


It is my pleasure to present to you the following highlighted Hive Stock Image posts. They were submitted via the Stock Images Community

or by using the #hivestockimages tag:

Hive Stock Images - "The Bottle Shards" | from various camera shots



These are really neat shots of glass shard images taken by @ipul27. I thought it was cool how he made good use of these pieces before discarding them.

Hive Stock Images | 5th: Nightfall



I love seeing beautiful sunsets. The way @bookrak positioned his camera to include the reflection on the water as well as capturing the view through the plant is very mesmerizing. These are really great photos.

Stock Images || Rice grain healthy plant 🌾



Here we have some beautiful vibrant photos of healthy rice grains being cultivated and almost ready to harvest.

Enjoy the richness of nature that is constantly promoting sustainable reforestation.


Stock images- Rattan hunter village.



@Mackbiagi gives us a glance of the environment surrounding rattan hunters. The river is essential as it is a source of life for the residents there. I love the images of the boats in the water.


We hope you find these highlights useful in helping you find stock images for your upcoming posts. Please make sure to read the specific terms of use for each creator that can be found directly in their posts. Let’s support our Hive artists and photographers :)

Do you want to start contributing to the Hive Stock Index? Please first read About Stock Images and Important Information.

Are you looking for specific stock images to use? Please view the Stock Images Main index where you can search by genre. This will be updated periodically as more images are added. If you use any Hive Stock Images in your post, don't forget to credit the owner and use the tag #freeimageshare, so we can find it and thank you for your support of our image contributors.

We also have a discord server for feedback, questions and suggestions.

Many thanks to @sitaru for the Hive bee image we use, @doze for the footer and also @thepeakstudio for the divider. They each will receive beneficiaries along with the authors highlighted in this post.

Curation today was brought to you by @crosheille.



Thank a bunch for mentioned me on the Hive Stock Images highlights ^_^ that was so cool, have a great day!

It was a pleasure featuring your work. Thanks for sharing in the community ;)

You're welcome my friend ^_^

Thanks stock images !

Thank you for making your images available.

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Is there a stock video option? I have stock photos and videos I would like to put on hive.

Great work - keep it up.