Zoodochos Pigi

in Stock Images3 years ago (edited)


Mother of God of the Life-giving Spring or Life-giving Font (Greek: Ζωοδόχος Πηγή, Zoodochos Pigi, Russian: Живоносный Источник) is an epithet of the Holy Theotokos that originated with her revelation of a sacred spring (Greek: ἁγίασμα, hagiasma) in Valoukli, Constantinople, to a soldier named Leo Marcellus, who later became Byzantine Emperor Leo I (457-474). Leo built the historic Church of St. Mary of the Spring, which witnessed numerous miraculous healings over the centuries, through her intercessions, becoming one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Greek Orthodoxy. Thus the term "Life-giving Font" became an epithet of the Holy Theotokos and she was represented as such in iconography.

Zoodochos Pigi

The feast day of the Life-giving Spring is celebrated on Bright Friday in the Orthodox Church, and in those Eastern Catholic Churches which follow the Byzantine Rite. Additionally, the icon of the Theotokos the "Life-giving Spring" is commemorated on April 4 / 17 in Slavic Orthodox churches.
Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life-giving_Spring

Also the Chapel celebrates three times a year:

  • Of Zoodochou Pigi (Friday Renovation)
  • Of the Three Hierarchs (January 30)
  • Of the Prophet Elisha (June 14)



I took these pictures when i was out for walking. Actually i went out only for those photos.

There are so many trees around from this Chapel.
Also there are some houses further, but as neighborhood is very quite.


There aren't any benches but actually you can sit there if you want to enjoy some moments of piece. You can't hear any car there because the road isn't for cars, but i've seen some people on feet.








You have to be carefull sometimes because the road isn't normal, and there are some puddles.


Photos by @georgia11