Entre ranas, polillas e insectos Hive Stock Images /Among frogs, moths and insects Hive Stock Images

in Stock Images4 years ago (edited)


El patio de mi casa de noche

Todos tenemos muchas cosas que nos apasionan en mi caso aparte del arte también amo la fotografía, me gusta fotografiar insectos, reptiles en pocas palabras todo bicho raro que se mueve y el lugar donde vivo me lo facilita, siempre que aparece algún insecto o reptil por allí aprovecho el momento y saco la mayor cantidad de fotografías posibles.

We all have many things that we are passionate about, in my case apart from art I also love photography, I like to photograph insects, reptiles, in short, any strange creature that moves and the place where I live makes it easy for me, whenever an insect or reptile appears there I take advantage of the moment and take as many pictures as possible.




Hoy quiero compartir con la colmena algunas fotografías que tome recientemente. Estás fotografías las he tomado en diferentes zonas de la casa. La araña la tomé hace un par de días, estaba en una de las ventanas de la casa tratando de entrar, si soy honesta me pareció muy impresionante sobre todo su color negro ya que la mayoría de las arañas que normalmente aparecen por acá son marrones.

Today I want to share with the hive some pictures I took recently. These pictures were taken in different areas of the house. I took the spider a couple of days ago, it was in one of the windows of the house trying to enter, if I am honest I found it very impressive especially its black color since most of the spiders that normally appear around here are brown.




La rana es muy linda me impresionó su tamaño 3 cm aproximadamente era tan pequeña se mantenía inmóvil echada sobre uno de los trastes de la cocina que se encontraban en el fregadero mientras yo sacaba la mayor cantidad de fotografías que podía.

The frog is very cute, I was impressed by its size, about 3 cm. It was so small that it lay motionless on one of the kitchen dishes in the sink while I took as many pictures as I could.





La polilla tiene una historia muy peculiar, un día entre al baño y allí estaba en una de las paredes lo curioso es que pasaron varios días y la polilla seguía exactamente en el mismo lugar, inmóvil, inmutada, en casa creímos que estaba muerta así que al cuarto día decidimos tocarla y woala salió volando durante un par de minutos en el mismo sitio y de nuevo regreso a la pared , allí la dejamos hasta que decidió marcharse.🤔

The moth has a very peculiar story, one day I went into the bathroom and there it was on one of the walls, the funny thing is that several days passed and the moth was still exactly in the same place, motionless, unmoving, at home we thought it was dead so on the fourth day we decided to touch it and woala flew out for a couple of minutes in the same place and back to the wall, there we left it until it decided to leave.



El ciempiés fue el que más me asustó, estaba en el baño justo cuando yo me iba a bañar, imagínense que se están preparando para un rico baño y aparece este pequeño de unos 30 cm de largo aproximadamente paseándose por tu baño😭 no se los voy a negar grite mucho y me monte encima del retrete mientras mi esposo venía a encargarse del pequeñín, como el sabe que amo sacar fotografías lo retuvo un buen rato mientras yo sacaba con mucho miedo la mayor cantidad de fotografías que pude.

The centipede was the one that scared me the most, it was in the bathroom just when I was going to take a bath, imagine that you are getting ready for a nice bath and this little one about 30 cm long appears walking around your bathroom😭 I am not going to deny it I screamed a lot and I got on top of the toilet while my husband came to take care of the little one, as he knows I love taking pictures he kept it for a long time while I took as many pictures as I could with a lot of fear.




Como mencioné hoy quise dejar estas fotografías para la colmena para que todo aquel que desee pueda usarlas libremente, soy una fotógrafa aficionada, no pido ningún tipo de compensación o que se me atribuyan los derechos al usarse, siento que esta es una pequeña retribución que puedo aportar a la colmena, todas las imágenes son de mi autoría y las fotografías las realice con mi teléfono celular Samsung M20, espero les gusten, sin más que decir me despido y nos vemos en un próximo post. Gracias por visitar mi blog nos vemos pronto.💋

As I mentioned today I wanted to leave these pictures for the hive so that anyone who wants to can use them freely, I am an amateur photographer, I do not ask for any compensation or that I am attributed the rights to be used, I feel that this is a small retribution that I can contribute to the hive, all images are of my authorship and the photographs were made with my Samsung M20 cell phone, I hope you like them, without more to say I say goodbye and see you in a next post. Thanks for visiting my blog, see you soon.💋

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I have to admit, this post really freaked me out and made me want to scream as if these creatures were in my house. 😬😅

I don’t like spiders, I’m trying to get over my fear of bees and wasps and centipedes make me cringe (we have them here but I haven’t seen them this big 😳).

I can’t imagine seeing a spider that big in my home. That moth is one of the biggest I’ve seen. You are so brave to take these photos. Thank you for sharing them here in the community :)

Thank you very much hehehe at first I was very scared, really terrified but over time I've gotten used to them and have been losing my fear now when I see them I immediately look for my phone to take pictures, it is impossible to get bored, you never know what will be the next bug to appear.😋🤭

You’re welcome. 😉

Oh my gosh I want to be as brave as you one day. Not saying I want to see those things 😳😲🙈 but if I happened to run into one I don’t want to be as fearful as I am.