Hive Stock Images | X-Ray - Bones, Chest, Ribs, Medical

in Stock Images3 years ago

With just two letters 'X' and 'V' away from completing the HSI Main Index page, I thought I'd have a go at the letter 'X'.


I dug out an old chest x-ray from way back when and tried to get some light through it which would make it obvious as to what it was. I also took some selfies with tripod and timer to try and lend a sense of silhouetted action/movement. I'm not entirely sure about this lot of photos tbh, but I've had 4-5 goes at photographing this aging and fading chest x-ray and am now hoping that there may be a few usable images here.

So there you have it ladies and gents, some photos of a chest x-ray showing ribs'n'bones (plus a couple spare ;).

8 Photos Of A Chest X-Ray:









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I don't require to be credited for use of my images, feel free to publicise #hivestockimages instead... or else follow their suggestions and guidelines.

Previous Hive Stock Images posts by me:

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All images @barge | Thanks for visiting 🙏


These are great! Sorry I didn't catch them sooner, been a bit distracted this week.

I like the 4th and last two best, as really obvious X-rays. I saw an image of a chest X-ray in an article the other day similar to the 4th and second to last images and was thinking of suggesting that style.

Looking forward to seeing which you choose for the thumbnail.

I think prob go with #4 - I also like the one that @pavanjr picked for the compilation post but it's portrait and doesn't really fit.

Thanks :D

very cool! thank you :>

@tipu curate

And thank YOU brother Woelfchen 🤗

Hello friend, it's been a long time since I last saw you here and I'm so glad you're back. I am happy that you have contributed to our index, as always we are grateful to you. I like the idea of the thorax plate, something I have not seen here and it is perhaps one of the few images you have uploaded for Hive. But of the best ideas, from here if I think you can get good post. Believe me.... Greetings and a big hug my friend.

Thanks yaar Pavan 🤗