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RE: Ask Me Anything - Marky Edition - May 2021

in AskMe4 years ago

When a "curve" is mentioned, most people refer to curation rewards. Hive and some tribes have a curve on author rewards as well.

Take this example, the darker line is what would be consider "linear rewards". You can predict what your rewards would be by only knowing the amount of stake voting and the % of the vote. The rewards follow a linear path based on these two criteria only.

A "curve" is the thin line, where it doesn't follow a straight path. Lower rewarded posts will have a harder time to receive the same dollar value until a certain threshold is met. Posts that make it past this point will receive more rewards than a similarly voted post on a linear curve.

The idea behind a curve is to prevent users sneaking spam with low rewards typically with self votes, creating a penalty for this behavior. Post that are popular will receive more rewards on the top of the curve. Posts near the center of the curve will receive similar rewards under both curves.

In other words, under Hive, the penalty can be as much as 40% on the low end, meaning to reach a 2 cent vote requires almost 4 cents of voting power, but to receive $11 in rewards only takes around $10.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta